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  1. M

    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine Comic #158 !! The trio decide to go fishing!!
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine Comic #157 ! Compo takes a different perspective on things!
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine Comic #156 ! Compo runs into Nora at the bus stop.
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine Comic #155 ! Who wants a delicious pastry from Sid's Cafe??
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine fanart Comic #154 ! Foggy has another one of his money-making scheme ideas again..
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine Comic #153 !!! The trio run across Smiler, who is running an errand for Nora.
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    "peacful" was the typo.
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Sorry guys, I posted the comic very late at night and only realized just now that there's a typo.. Here's the corrected version..
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine Comic #152 .. The Trio try out a little camping..
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine Comic #151!! Seymour and Clegg are out for a stroll and come across an oddity.
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine fanart Comic #150 !!! Just three unsuspecting snowmen on a Yorkshire hillside... Or maybe not!
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine fanart comic #149 !! Compo ponders traveling by sea.
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine fanart comic #148 !! Nora gets a ghostly fright!
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's #147 - Looks like Foggy is showing off his skill in hiding again!
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine Fanart Comic #146 ! Howard has another scheme up his sleeve to be with Marina.
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Sorry everyone, there will not be a comic for July. I have been having computer problems for most of this month and got everything to return back to normalcy this past Thursday. I will try to do an early comic in August!
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine Fanart Comic #145 ! Ut oh! Foggy's off again.. Or is he??
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine Comic #144 ! Compo is trying to impress Nora, so he takes the bull by the horns.
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's Summer Wine fanart comic #143 - Compo is deep in thought, at least up to his knees.
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    Another Summer Wine comic...

    Here's #142 ... What IS inside that matchbox of Compo's???