Walking into this Shop would be your worst Nightmare

Uncle Arkwright was a pleasant enough soul taking simple pleasures in the Yorkshire dales. Then one quiet day day came a lady his way and taught him that hard cash is thicker than your your relatives and with how thick his relatives were that was quite some statement. One day a furious argument erupted over one of them taking as payment a counterfeit, and thus worthless, £1 note. They put it accidentally in the washing machine in a fit of pique and a young PC Cooper happened to be passing and promptly arrested him for money laundering and was duly given a custodial sentence.

PC Cooper learnt this day just how much paperwork is involved in a sucessful arrest and vowed to never do this again. Lady Wain never waited for him and Uncle nursing a broken heart and wallet eventually relocated on his release taking on his nephew to learn the trade elsewhere. She however whilst now in full posession of the shop and till contents decided to adopt a more familiarial name and added Aunty plus half of his surame to forever remember the man she was once prepared to share a meal with, providing he paid it of course.

She never employed her nephew however as he was much too useful as an avid purchaser of expensive gifts for his various girlfriends until one Pearl swept him right off his feet. She was in fact using Nora's brush and it was an accident but the bump on his head made him temporaily besotted until their wedding night.