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  1. M

    Pearls New Website

    Am getting the stirrings of excitement !!!! Anybody got any ideas what's happening ??
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    Favourite Bond film

    Got to be No 1 .... Thunderball, followed by Goldfinger, and have to say i liked George Lazenby in "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"!!
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    Variations on theme of Widow Winstanley

    Anybody know where the walk up to the rocks was filmed at the beginning (Cleggy,Truly,Alvin & Billy) and also what was the reservoir filmed at the end in the background? Thanks guys
  4. M

    Cooper & Walsh

    Cooper & Walsh Anybody got an update as to how the guys got on with their meeting with a TV company early last month? We need some glimmer of hope that there are TV companies out there who know what the viewing public want !
  5. M


    Hi everyone - was up in Holmfirth the other day & there didn't seem to be any access to the bridge. Is it in a private area?
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    Fun with Google Earth...

    Anyone know where the "pub" used in the final scene used in "the afterthoughts of a Co-op manager" - know it has been used in another episode though can't remember which one. Might not even be an actual pub, could be just a few tables put together but looks a great spot on the hillside...
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    Fun with Google Earth...

    How about the pub in "Captain Clutterbuck's Treasure" - Where's that ? Thanks
  8. M

    Fun with Google Earth...

    Just wondering if you know the location of the old dirt path track that was used many times - particularly in the days of Foggy, Compy & Clegg. - One instance of which was used off the top of my head in "Three Men & A Mangle" - at the end. Thanks
  9. M

    release dates for next 2 uk DVD sets

    Great spot by stewpot01 - what HAS happened to Series 16 ? - is it just down to the BBC forgetting about their previous cock up with the labelling of the previous box set? Just another major irritation from the BBC !!!!
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    I Have an idea for Roy Clarke

    I think it would be great if Roy could write one last nostalgic episode which incorporates the best locations used over the years - such as the Packhorse Bridge. Something easy to film maybe where Cleggy reminisces to Truly for example, of the best times he's had "on the hills". It would be easy...
  11. M

    G.O.L.D's LOTSW December Specials listings

    Interesting to know you can get the month ahead listings on GOLD. Can you let me know the link please? Thanks
  12. M

    More episodes to come

    ;D Great Great News Terry - but how have you heard this ??
  13. M

    Favourite lines from the show

    All time best line is between Nora & wally though can't remember which episode. Nora - sitting in sidecar, "Talk to me then, you never talk to me" Wally - " I talked to you yesterday didn't I" Gets a wallop on the head from Nora's bag. (You have to see it to get full laughter value !! )
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    Anybody know why Cleggy's character had a personality change after the first few episodes. He was a much "harder, stronger character than the gentler, timid one portrayed now. Would be ineresting to hear Peter Sallis' views on this if anybody has ever heard him say anything on the matter.
  15. M


    Anybody know where the Pub is that Foggy, Compo & Cleggy met Ron Moody at the beginning of "Captain Clutterbuck's Treasure" ? ???
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