Ay Up Winos

Bora Natty

Dedicated Member
I just got back from Maine. It was one of those spur of the moment trips, but I'd nver been, so I went. No phones, no net, it was actually great. Beautiful state and the coast is probably similar to England? I have a lot of catching up, but I'm back in my own comfy bed, so I'll probably sleep till Tuesday. Hope all of you have been well!
Glad to see you back Bora what an idyllic sounding trip not just the scenery the no tech . We all seem to overuse technology these days so it would be great to have a break.
I went to Bar Harbor a few years ago in Maine, loved it. I still have some Earl Grey tea I bought from there which surprised me as I didn't know they blended tea in the US.
Forty years ago, I went on a week-long walking holiday on Mount Desert Island, lodging in Northwest Harbor. Most of the walking was easy because we followed the old carriage roads that were built for the wealthy people who had huge vacation homes there. Those roads have lots of flat areas for resting the horses, and are built with switchbacks on the very steep areas. Visited Bar Harbor, briefly, just so we could say we'd been there. Bought a bag of balsam needles, and still enjoy their scent.
Ta all, it's good to be back. I didn't see any summer wine for over two weeks. Getting back to normal, I went to the post, the market, etc, etc..