Getting sam home


Dedicated Member
Just snuggled up in my pj's and watching this episode as I have the house to myself, yum and bliss!!!
Oh, nice for both of you. It's only 5:00 pm here . . so no p'j's yet . . but I have the Tom Cruise photos episode on.
I always felt particularly sorry for Sam. All things must pass ( as Geo. Harrison sang ) but because his wife was such a misery. Glad he had his nookie. lol
Just snuggled up in my pj's and watching this episode

Really very jealous, y'all.

Here in North Carolina, we won't see PJs till sometime in
October at the earliest. With temps in the low 90's and
humididities about the same, no damn chance!!
Just snuggled up in my pj's and watching this episode

Really very jealous, y'all.

Here in North Carolina, we won't see PJs till sometime in
October at the earliest. With temps in the low 90's and
humididities about the same, no damn chance!!
awww cciaf, I am in NY but still use 'em in Air Cond. ~~~ glad to see you say humdidities too, lol. Okay, so then we have to watch "A Merry Heatwave" by the by, I am off to Calif. so will see you all in a week or so.
I wonder what if any laws the trio broke,as they were carrying out Sam's wishes,other than covering him in used chip fat
Haha Elmc, that last bit had me cracking up!!

Yes sir Cciaffone, I know how you feel. I live in Mobile, Al. and it's miserable here now. When you open your door to go out, the humidity is like a punch in the face. Going to be a long summer I'm afraid.
I liked when Compo went into the shed to change and all the cigarete smoke came out,and when the chaps came into take the lathe.
I've always liked the scene where Sam has them stop the van and explains where he wants his ashes scattered very. A man in acceptance of his mortality and handling it with grace and charm.