Irritating Adverts


Super Moderator
I think most of us can agree that the 'Go Compare' opera singer ad is close to number one in the hit (the t.v.) charts.What other adverts get on your nerves?
I could tell you of ones here in the states that are annoying. A couple are the anti-smoking/drug ones that are really cheesy and most likely would make folks WANT to do that stuff...
One of the LARGE benefits of watching telly off TheBox is
the ads have been mostly removed! No probs!!

There is virtually nothing left on US telly worth watching,
so most of our tube-time is downloaded. Even the public
radio and tv outlets include adverts of one kind or another.
Thank gawd for PCs, the Net, and DVDs.
>:( I know we watch a programme with a lot of strong minded women, but do the men on tv adverts HAVE to be portrayed as total morons?? >:(
We have had the humax freesat boxes for a couple of years, we watch nothing on the commerical channels live but record it, say its a Midsomer we let it run on record for 35 minutes,then start watching it,the humax has a skip button,we have ours set for 2 minutes,so 2 presses of that when the adverts start and you have missed them, so we have not really seen much in the way of adverts for some time, the one that used to get on my wick was the cillit bang advert,they would shout all the time and it was on every break, we tried it once and found it as much use as an ashtray on a motorbike,so this is possibly why they were always ramming the advert at you,to get folk to go buy it

The more recent trick with commerical channels is they add a +1 hour channel, they tell the viewer they are doing them a favour by doing this, the truth is they get more revenue as the advert is shown again in what is then a repeat of the show shown 1 hour previous

I think most of us can agree that the 'Go Compare' opera singer ad is close to number one in the hit (the t.v.) charts.What other adverts get on your nerves?
The Natwest DJ adverts do it for me George, I am ashamed to bank with them, the ad's make me want to damage my TV! >:(
Another one is the one with that Billy Murray joker, "I absolutely did not deserve that" and "We're real lawyers" absolutely pathetic ad's