Telly Watching in the Show


Staff member
I can only think of a few episode where anyone was watching TV in the show,which in the real world seems a bit odd to me, I know though that even these days in modern TV shows it is not often someone is watching the TV,something that makes me smile with TV soaps is no matter how broke the person is they always seem to have money to go to the pub or cafe
I can remember Compo watching telly in "Spring Fever" and Barry watching telly in "Crums", I can't think of anymore at the moment but i'm sure there are more than just them two moments
They were all in the cafe watching Compo on telly in The Last Surviving Maurice Chivalier impressionist
There was an episode where Tom inherited a television from afriend of his father who had just passed. Tom ended up giving it to Eli (the nears.ighted man -not sure of name. He ended up watching a couple kissing. He said something veryfunny because he didn't know what he was watching. I loved that character.
I found the title of the episode where Tom. gave Eli a TV. It is called "A white sweater and a Solicitor's letter
Compo watches telly in Small Tune on a Penny Wassail (or to be more exact, he can't find anything to watch, he turns the channels over trying to find something he wants to see).

In Getting Sam Home, Sams neighbour, the one with the dog, is watching a scary film on tv.

In Camera Shy we find out that Clegg has a TV, but no video recorder because they all go to Howard's to watch Foggys video on his VCR