The Pink Panther Movies



I have always been a big fan of the Pink Panther movies and probably my favourite is 'A Shot in the Dark'.

I watched 'The Pink Panther Strikes Again' the other night and the scene where Clouseau questions the staff at the professor's house always has me in stitches it also has the very beautiful Lesley Anne Down in it.

Is anyone a fan of the films if so which one do you prefer?
;D I am, was and always will be a fan of Peter Sellers so most of the Pink Panthers are o k by me. However forced to pick one I would plump for The Pink Panther Strikes Again .The scenes where Dreyfus is trying to kill him always crack me up.His disguises are a hoot and his bemused look when they fail put me in mind of Foggy and Seymour when their schemes go wrong. The Steve Martin versions I have never seen (nor would I want to!) nor the Alan Arkin film called Inspector Clouseau. So DAJ you struck a chord with me at least ;)
I love those films.I only watched the pilot of Summer Wine because I thought Peter Sellers was in it and was disappointed it was Peter Sallis.It's funny how things change,now I will watch anything with Peter Sallis in it.
I remeber going to the cinema to watch Revenge of the Pink Panther and the film opens with a distant shot of a man in a field and the audience erupted into laughter because they thought it was Clouseau.(It wasn't him but shows what people thought of him)
Everything about the films are great, the soundtracks are wonderful I have a couple of them on CD.

I like the scene where Dreyfus is in the apartment below Clouseau's boring holes in the ceiling to use the mini periscope (what ensues is great slapstick comedy) and the part with the hunchback costume where he over inflates the hump :)

I really don't like the premise of the Steve Martin versions, no one could ever play Clouseau like the late great Peter Sellers.
I agree with you.Sellers was Clouseau the same as Kwouk was Kato.I loved the scenes with those two.
I know the line is corny now but the "Does your dog bite?" gag is still funny and I actually look forward to it every time.
Sellers and Graham Stark must have been used to each other because the disguise shop scene after the " beum" always struck me that they were trying not to laugh. Specially when Graham says "When it comes to disguises you got Balls" as in Maison Balls disguises a speciality (if i remember it right) Question fellers, Did you ever see the prog where thy showed you some outtakes? , particularly a lift scene where one of them broke wind and they could do nothing for laughing!! ::)
The breaking wind was actually the directors idea.He made the noise and the actors just collapsed with laughter.
I've heard that Sellers was a giggler so every scene was a giggle fest.
The breaking wind was actually the directors idea.He made the noise and the actors just collapsed with laughter.
I've heard that Sellers was a giggler so every scene was a giggle fest.
:D As in the old Goon Shows George ,the live recordings sometimes overran because they giggled so much!! :D
Have to say I enjoy the Pink Panther movies - now where did I put those videos?
It must have been great fun making the films, the laughter must have been very hard to control with the total hilarity of certain scenes. The 'Revenge of the Pink Panther' was nearly never made because Peter Sellers had a serious heart attack in 1977 and the film was made in 1978.

I agree with you about the 'Does your dog bite? scene, although the line itself is dated and corny, the way in which it is delivered between Sellers and Stark makes it timeless and always funny.
Yeah, I like them aswell, as said above, I think a shot in the dark is the best one. Have to say, I really liked Peter Sellers as an actor, not so much as a fella, but he was in some cracking films....I'm alright Jack, Dr. Strangelove, Being There, Two way stretch, Heavens Above etc....part of my growing up was watching black and white Sellers films, I loved them.
I'm a sucker for old B&w films. I love the old Charlie Chan films and the Rathbone/Bruce Sherlock Holmes stuff. Great memories.
Rob I've already confessed I'm an avid Peter Sellers fan but unlike you I did not take to Being There . I dont know what I expected but it did not "grab " me.Now if you mention Strangelove ,Wrong arm of the Law or The Ladykillers I really go for them. ;) I even liked his cameo in the Casino Royale spoof!! ;D
Rob I've already confessed I'm an avid Peter Sellers fan but unlike you I did not take to Being There . I dont know what I expected but it did not "grab " me.Now if you mention Strangelove ,Wrong arm of the Law or The Ladykillers I really go for them. ;) I even liked his cameo in the Casino Royale spoof!! ;D

I guess Being There was one of those 'Marmite' films Dick. I liked the book and I thought the film was good.
Theyre great,esp bit at beginning of Strikes Again when Dreyfus is in the psychiatric clinic and claims he doesnt want to kill Clouseau then Clouseau turns up to speak on his behalf ;D.So do people in here prefer Burt as Cato or Entwhistle?
Theyre great,esp bit at beginning of Strikes Again when Dreyfus is in the psychiatric clinic and claims he doesnt want to kill Clouseau then Clouseau turns up to speak on his behalf ;D.So do people in here prefer Burt as Cato or Entwhistle?
I loved him as Cato but the age difference sort of throws a Spaniard in the works when making a decision on either . For me at least ???
These movies stand the test of time and are still funny.I haven't seen the modern
remake with Steve Martin but i doubt it has the comedy factor of the originals
cos you cant have the Pink Panther without sellers just not the same in my veiw.
I have nothing particulary against Steve Martin although I can honestly confess to not having seen many of his other films. I just can't see how the films can work with him as Clouseau and other actors as other key characters.

The performance given by Peter Sellers as Clouseau is a benchmark that no one can ever surpass, the same goes with Burt Kwouk as Cato and Herbert Lom as Dreyfus.
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