Yorkshire Sculpture Park


LOTSW Fanatic
Yesterday my daughter and her partner took me to the park. We had lunch up there and we went around the park viewing the various sculptures and artworks. They walked my little legs off and we left to come home about 4 hours later. On the way back my daughter asked if I'd enjoyed the day and said to me that we'd only seen about half the exhibits and would have to visit again to see the rest.
I had a strong feeling of Deja Vu on the way around . I wondered if it was used on location shots or am I just mixing it in my mind with Chatsworth and a few other stately homes???:confused::08:
It is not that far from Holmfirth Dick, so you may have picked up some semblence of the area.

Apart from Blamire and possibly Seymour I can not see any of our stalwarts wanting to visit a sculpture park.

I used to go there for work occasionally, as they have classrooms there where some of the student stuff was done.
It is not that far from Holmfirth Dick, so you may have picked up some semblence of the area.

Apart from Blamire and possibly Seymour I can not see any of our stalwarts wanting to visit a sculpture park.

I used to go there for work occasionally, as they have classrooms there where some of the student stuff was done.
I had an idea it may be but yesterday was my first visit.
I had a strong feeling of Deja Vu on the way around . I wondered if it was used on location shots ...

Was it the sculpture and/or buildings that seemed familiar, or was it some of the landscape features? The landscape in the photos in Google Earth looks like the kind of locations that Alan Bell tended to select.

Thanks for the pointer to a nice day trip from Holmfirth. There are several ways to get there by a combination of public transport and shanks mare, taking between an hour and just under two hours each way. I've added it to my list of next year's possibilities.
Was it the sculpture and/or buildings that seemed familiar, or was it some of the landscape features? The landscape in the photos in Google Earth looks like the kind of locations that Alan Bell tended to select.

Thanks for the pointer to a nice day trip from Holmfirth. There are several ways to get there by a combination of public transport and shanks mare, taking between an hour and just under two hours each way. I've added it to my list of next year's possibilities.
Mostly the landscape Marianna although if I am out with my daughter she tends to go the cultural route. We have visited Tate St Ives and Barbara Hepworths garden several times , also various other stately homes.
Not far from the Yorkshire Coal Mining Museum in
Wakefield I think.
Seriously Chuck I could not say We headed north on the M1 and turned off just past Sheffield onto the A637 (I think) Then we saw the brown signs pointing to the Park. Being in the back seat tends to inhibit your view (a small Citroen):smile::thumbsup:
"a small Citroen"

Have not had them over here in yonks! Why do I remember
a Citroen CV-4 from the 1950's ??