You Tell Me Quiz 20


Staff member
This one may be tricky,have fun

I am going to take a wild stab at this. As I recall scenes large plot of land by a nice home I think of the gang with Compo's family picnicking in Pate and Chips.

And Terry, it is a very nice gesture IF you had me in mind when you commented on posting this later to let those overseas try. However, I really am clueless. :)
I am going to take a wild stab at this. As I recall scenes large plot of land by a nice home I think of the gang with Compo's family picnicking in Pate and Chips.

And Terry, it is a very nice gesture IF you had me in mind when you commented on posting this later to let those overseas try. However, I really am clueless. :)

Sorry it is not that one and I am relying on you Codfanglers to get the prize picture answer