Language trouble topic...!


Dedicated Member
I thought I better open a topic like that, I´m sure I´ll use it more than once.

I was just reading something on the internet to do with Australia and the words "sheila" and "ockah" turned up which reminded me of the Bandit of Stoke-on-Trent of course, and that I never understodd what Clegg was talking about during their snooker game. Can somebody please explain the bit about the "as an ocker (ockah?! whatever) drinking beer from a can in his undershirt, calling everybody sheila"?
I tried to look up Australian cliches, I guess it must be something like that. I found out that apparently they call a female sheila over there. But I still don´t know what the rest is about. But I found another hilarious explanation, especially for us here:

Or am I being stupid and this is exactly where Compo got his name from?
That'll be it! Yeah the Aussies have a lot of weird words. I have a soft spot for the Australians. I think it's because they play such great cricket.
That is exactly it!It is a shortening of the word compensation(which Compo got for his back problem!) The Aussies are great ones for shortening words and adding o, as in arvo or afto for afternoon.There are more but they escape me for the moment. ;)
Oh, really, that is it?! You mean I really stumbled across the origin of Compo´s name? LOL, I never realised, I never really understood what sort of compensation was meant, but couldn´t be bothered to investigate. Thank you for the information! By now I have found out that "ocker" is a term for either a working class Australian or a cliche Australian, so that is solved too.
The compo, in Compos name refers to a state benifits its been renamed now a few times I think, but basically its the dole. :)
Hm, then it is funny why he was nicknamed Compo in FOTSW already, isn´t it? But there were more things about FOTSW that weren´t quite right continuity-wise ;).
It started over here just after the second world war and may have been brought over by the Aussie troops . Compo is given as of Australian origin in some dictionaries and the first or earlier benefit (national assistance ?) may have been called it by some returning troops who'd picked up the name from the Aussies. As Compo (our man) said in one of the earlier shows "any silly sod can work" and the Aussies tended to use the name derisorily. ::) It is also given as a shortening of composition or composite as in the building trade(mortar or other made up materials) but the " compensation" one started in Australia and N Zealand before the war.
The compo, in Compos name refers to a state benifits its been renamed now a few times I think, but basically its the dole. :)
As I said thats what he got for his "bad back". ;)

Sorry Dick, please accept my apology I didn't read your post properly.
You did indeed say that and you said it very well. :)
Sorry Susan I wasn't having a go , I grew up near one or two Compos and was fortunate to be in a family where the work ethic was strong.Funny thing apparently it was "the dole " even before the war and was looked down on even then ::) It was "being on the parish " before it became the dole. :)
That is exactly it!It is a shortening of the word compensation(which Compo got for his back problem!) The Aussies are great ones for shortening words and adding o, as in arvo or afto for afternoon.There are more but they escape me for the moment. ;)

In a slightly mischievous mood and tongue in cheek, all Australians must be decended from convicts transported from Bristol. Bristol folk have this habit of adding an 'o' or leaving off the final consonant of 'ol' and 'al' words and prouncing last syllable 'o'.
That is exactly it!It is a shortening of the word compensation(which Compo got for his back problem!) The Aussies are great ones for shortening words and adding o, as in arvo or afto for afternoon.There are more but they escape me for the moment. ;)

In a slightly mischievous mood and tongue in cheek, all Australians must be decended from convicts transported from Bristol. Bristol folk have this habit of adding an 'o' or leaving off the final consonant of 'ol' and 'al' words and prouncing last syllable 'o'.
Did wonder if that might figure somewhere Unc!! ;) :D
We have that now Dick! We live near a lot of "Dolers" Sitting about drinking all day,my husband works 7 days a week and even if I let him he couldn't afford to do it.
I'm from a family of hard workers before I became ill I worked from 6am till 2pm then went back to work from 6pm till 9pm.

I would profer to live like that than on the dole!!
We brought 4 kids up on £1 per hour wages when we first got married, I often worked 60 to 80 hrs a week but I was proud to do it. I was called everything from a stupid **** to just plain daft for working when We would have been better off on the "social" A man who laughed at me at the time has still not had a proper job.Guess who has most money to splash on holidays etc? .We managed to get through and my kids bless em have all followed their dad for working. So you can see why I am a little cynical at times. One good thing though, I realise "our" Compo is just a character in a pleasant programme and as such take all his sayings with a pinch of salt! :D
I'm proud of what we achieved and proud of my kids .I shall know that we did our best come what may . :o Thats enough about me , we're veering off topic again Susan ;) we will get a bad name on the forum! ::)
You're right, Dick. I know lots of people who work for poor rates of pay, but want to set an example for their kids by earning, rather than getting benfits. It's about trying to instill values in their kids. Don't get me wrong, if someones sick and can't work, well thats different. Theres nothing you can do about that.