xmas shopping

amos hames

Dedicated Member
As i have this week off i decided to start my xmas shopping.Was going to go to London but i thought that by One oclock it will be heaving with people so i jumped on a bus and took a short trip to Royal Tunbridge Wells'Could i find any thing that i wanted to get all that i could get was for my Nephews they like Annuals so i got them

These are the ones they wanted

Angry Birds
Moshi Monsters(Have no idea what they are)
Star Wars
SpongeBob Squarepants(Again no idea)
Match of the Day

For my Mum she wants a painting called all the world in London by Graham Clark i just need to get it framed and a Eva Cassidy Album.
My eldest nephew also wants Angry Bird speakers for his I pod Touch my youngest nephew would be happy with hot wheels toys
No idea what to get my bother and sister in law or Emma.
I never usually get frustrated shopping but i get the feeling that the next few weeks will be chaos in the stores.Has anyone else started yet. :'( ;) :)
We started ours last August believe it or not when on holiday in Italy. Everybody has everything so a couple of years ago we decided to buy presents while on our holidays. This way they are original and you wouldn't find them here. I think it is a great idea and no Christmas hassles. Though have to be honest in saying that we love to go to London for New Year.. Yes we do shopping but for us only..
I tend to do a lot of Christmas shopping with Amazon. I get no joy from struggling through crowded, cold streets carrying too many cumbersom carriar bags. This year will be different as I can't quite get my mind on Christmas yet. I dare say you feel the same, Dick.
You know that in every family there is one person who moans and whinges thought the whole of December that they hate Xmas and can't wait for it to be over? Well I'm that person in my family its around now that I start to being referred to has Grinch. I am a card carrying member of C.R.U.M.B.S :)
Not a whinge , just a statement of fact . ::) I never had to tax my brain as regards xmas shopping and cards.My wife did all the thinking and planning and I just helped.I am having to think and plan now as I know she'd have wanted me to keep up with everything ! ;D ;)
You know that in every family there is one person who moans and whinges thought the whole of December that they hate Xmas and can't wait for it to be over? Well I'm that person in my family its around now that I start to being referred to has Grinch. I am a card carrying member of C.R.U.M.B.S :)

Yes I signed up to CRUMS with Cleggy as soon as it was broadcast. I shall think about Christmas on or about 23rd December - might be the Carol Service!
Not a whinge , just a statement of fact . ::) I never had to tax my brain as regards xmas shopping and cards.My wife did all the thinking and planning and I just helped.I am having to think and plan now as I know she'd have wanted me to keep up with everything ! ;D ;)

I'm lucky i work for a greetings card company so i never have any problems getting cards.
I am not posting any Christmas cards this year, if you send 36 cards 2nd class they will cost you over £7 more than it did last year, I will give the total amount that I would be spending posting cards to a UK charity,so we normally post 100 cards so that is £50 to charity,the rest of the money I need for the increase in fuel bills

Royal mail blame email for the drop in letters being posted,so they increase the cost,all they are trying to do is increase revenue before it gets sold off,and as usual at our expense
I am not posting any Christmas cards this year, if you send 36 cards 2nd class they will cost you over £7 more than it did last year, I will give the total amount that I would be spending posting cards to a UK charity,so we normally post 100 cards so that is £50 to charity,the rest of the money I need for the increase in fuel bills

Royal mail blame email for the drop in letters being posted,so they increase the cost,all they are trying to do is increase revenue before it gets sold off,and as usual at our expense

When ever I hear someone from Royal Mail using that excuse I always think that the incrise in on line shopping should have counter balanced that ???
I am not posting any Christmas cards this year, if you send 36 cards 2nd class they will cost you over £7 more than it did last year, I will give the total amount that I would be spending posting cards to a UK charity,so we normally post 100 cards so that is £50 to charity,the rest of the money I need for the increase in fuel bills

Royal mail blame email for the drop in letters being posted,so they increase the cost,all they are trying to do is increase revenue before it gets sold off,and as usual at our expense

I can see where you are coming from, and that is a good thing to do, but please still send a proper card to any elderly relatives, they will still like a card to put on the mantle piece. I speak fro experience
Yes the elderly would like the card so much and really aprreciate it. They will put in on their mantle piece or coffee table to look at. We are getting too modernized. Today we received a notice from the Post Office that as of Monday the stamps will rise in cost. Not that we didn't expect that. But to important people like parents and grandparents do send cards. What I don't like are those musical cards. How annoying...
Yes the elderly would like the card so much and really aprreciate it. They will put in on their mantle piece or coffee table to look at. We are getting too modernized. Today we received a notice from the Post Office that as of Monday the stamps will rise in cost. Not that we didn't expect that. But to important people like parents and grandparents do send cards. What I don't like are those musical cards. How annoying...

Don't do that, Compo! I read your post and thought surely the Royal mail cannot be upping their prices again! Then remembered you are Malta based (I think).
Amos, I merchandise for a greetings card company, and still have to buy my cards, but I am also crummy!!..

Have gone off Christmas more and more these last few years.
I usually have Christmas all wrapped up by now, (excuse pun but I couldn't resist) but I haven't even started yet, i might be a devil this year and leave it til panic sets in
Amos, I merchandise for a greetings card company, and still have to buy my cards, but I am also crummy!!..

Have gone off Christmas more and more these last few years.
I usually have Christmas all wrapped up by now, (excuse pun but I couldn't resist) but I haven't even started yet, i might be a devil this year and leave it til panic sets in

I was given along with everyone else a huge box of our christmas cards that were returned to our warehouse along with Wrapping paper and gift bags.A nice touch will not have to buy cards for ages. :)
Yes the elderly would like the card so much and really aprreciate it. They will put in on their mantle piece or coffee table to look at. We are getting too modernized. Today we received a notice from the Post Office that as of Monday the stamps will rise in cost. Not that we didn't expect that. But to important people like parents and grandparents do send cards. What I don't like are those musical cards. How annoying...

Don't do that, Compo! I read your post and thought surely the Royal mail cannot be upping their prices again! Then remembered you are Malta based (I think).

Yes I am Malta based. But didn't understand what you meat bu "Don't do that" I will send cards to close relatives of course. But last year not many send cards and instead sms's which I find not right.
Yes I am Malta based. But didn't understand what you meat bu "Don't do that" I will send cards to close relatives of course. But last year not many send cards and instead sms's which I find not right.

My "Don't do that" had nothing to do with cards. There I agree with you totally. I was asking you not to alarm me by implying another increase in postage rates. UK rates had a massive, and I mean massive hike back in the spring.
Why do all these rates have to go up during the Christmas season? Don't they know people are struggling enough especially at this time. Big Unc, I was only wondering what you meant by that. Sometimes emails can get confusing. I use to send so mnay cards. With this new Postage the First class mail has doubled. Disgusting..

I will wish all you people a Happy on on this fourm.. After all why not...

Diod anyone ever see any LOTSW Christmas cards on line.???
How much is a first class stamp now, anyway?

Regular letter 60p, large letter 90p. In a way with a regular letter the differential between first and second class has been squeezed, second class now being 50p.