New Year Resolutions anyone?


Dedicated Member
Does anyone have any New Year resolutions to share with anyone?

I have one. (I always try to have about 5 and it never works. :D)

My daughter wants to run in the Indianapolis 500 Mini-Marathon and she wants me to do this with her. :o So my resolution is to sign up :D and then finish it (speed walk) without crawling across the finish line.
I shall be starting my second term at Theatre School and I am not very good at learning my lines :-[ which means I should start learning them earlier !!! So my new years resolution "start learning as soon as I get my script" Its Macbeth this term and I am really struggling at the moment :( :(
Good luck Norm, looks like you've jumped in at the deep end. Good for you ;D :respect:
The only attempt at a resolution for me is to clear out some clutter! If its not seen the light of day over the past year..... it goes!! (Hopefully ;) ;))
The only attempt at a resolution for me is to clear out some clutter! If its not seen the light of day over the past year..... it goes!! (Hopefully ;) ;))

My saying is, if its been under the bed for the last 5 years or you forgot you had it then you don't need it. ;)
I understand Brenda. "Luckily" I have my college bond daughter determined to see me get back in shape. (sigh) :'(
I make the same resolution every year, and it's......................... not to make any, cos I am rubbish at keeping them. Except this one of course, I ace this one