Shooting at my daughter's college.


Dedicated Member
I had quite a scare today after work. There was a shooting at the Purdue University campus where my daughter attends school. There was a victim that was targeted and killed. The incident happened at the same building my daughter attends classes in.

They are now on a lock down and classes will not resume tomorrow. Before I heard from my daughter I was watching it on the news and my heart started racing. As I went to pick my phone to call her, she was calling me. She had been trying to call me all afternoon. We really need to pray for our children and grandchildren, nephews and nieces. Why do people get so angry that they feel this is the only solution. I just don't understand it. >:(
I watched the evening news and didn't hear anything about this. I am so sorry that you were in a panic.
I am glad that your daughter was fine.

We do need to pray - people are so self centered these days and act on impulse. They have no patience and don't think about the consequences of their actions.
I grew up around guns. My dad was a hunter. There were guns all around but we were taught to respect them. I was taught to shoot a rifle but never did it ever occur to me that if I had an argument with someone that I would have the right to shoot them.

You are right Linda. It is as if no one respects human life as they did. They just want what they want at that moment.

I am ready to put my daughter in a locked room, but I don't think that is the answer. I guess she wouldn't like that either. ;)
I grew up around guns. My dad was a hunter. There were guns all around but we were taught to respect them. I was taught to shoot a rifle but never did it ever occur to me that if I had an argument with someone that I would have the right to shoot them.

You are right Linda. It is as if no one respects human life as they did. They just want what they want at that moment.

I am ready to put my daughter in a locked room, but I don't think that is the answer. I guess she wouldn't like that either. ;)
I concur - I grew up around guns too and It would never occur to me to use them in that manner :(
sorry to hear about that Beth. Praying for all. the gun issue is not the gun, it is the people. gives responsible people a bad name and punishes them. Just wondering how members in GB feel about gun laws. I know they had theirs taken away,yet I believe gun crimes are down,yet they are using other things as weapons. Hammers, knives. Do you wish you had your guns to protect yourself. Only the criminals will have the guns if they take away from registered owners.

Why are these kids doing things like this? I pray for all the kids at Purdue, and sorry to hear about your scare.

gottta run, my press is down. Gotta get it running

Goo grief Beth that must have been terrifying. Its disgusting that we can not send our kids to school and not feel safe about it. I hope you and your daughter are ok.
:o Hope you are ok as is your daughter Beth. The respect for others lives seems to be failing all round the world these days. ??? My thoughts are with you. :)
On the issue of guns I think you'll find the majority of us don't want them. Yes there are some around and we do have gun crime but the fact is its rear. We have had instances of mass carnage like every other country be it with guns knifes or anything else but I wouldn't want a gun in my house nor would I want the police armed.
In some opinion poll only 22% of police offices want to be armed and that was taken just after 2 woman police officers were ambushed and shot dead. My son in law is a police officer and he has said he wouldn't want to be armed nor his friends. The fear of our street being awash with guns, owned to good guys or bad, far out weighs the fear of being shot.

There are some that will say our streets are awash but there not compared to other country's we still have very low gun crime.
Thank you all for your thoughts! :) I didn't sleep well but I feel that Ashley is safe. It was an isolated incident but when it hits that close to loved ones, you can't help but worry.

Ashley is doing fine. Purdue was texting all the students to go into their rooms and stay there until everything is all clear.
Thanks for the info Beth.. I knew that the gun murder rate was very low there, but I read somewhere that other crimes have skyrocketed. Rape, break-ins, muggings with knives. I can't recall, but an elderly man in England was robbed, and the fact that the citizens didn't have them. The fact that your policemen don't have them , I was shocked,didn't know. Just wondering how some of you felt. Have read where Australia regrets giving up their guns. I heard about your mass shooting of a school I think back in the 90's. :( :(. This whole world needs prayer :'(
The last statistic actually had violent crime falling. A lot depends on where you are but on the whole we don't have too much trouble.
:) Glad to hear :) The problem here is they catch the criminal they they let them go. Someone will get 10 years to life for growing massive amounts of pot, then someone that rapes a child gets 3 years. They separate them from the general public for their protection, they would kill him! I just don't get our system.