Howards house !!! :)


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And Pearls,Cleggys and Hobbos of course,
Encouraged by Terrys words (Thankyou) I had a run up to Jackson Bridge this morning,to see if I could have a look at Howards house,I'v never been up there,having previously been put off by the private sign,but have always wanted to,so many great scenes and memories there,how strange it was to stand there next to the windows I have seen Howard duck under so many times,the workmen were in Cleggys house, the room (kitchen) was an empty shell,
Also took a photo of the white horse pub,seen in many of the shows,and the last is the view of the area at the top of the long road that you can see from Howards yard,its not as difficult to walk up as it looks,
Tomorrow,my last day of my holiday before I'm working 12hrs a day,I'm going to see a play about the WW1 poet Wilfred Owen,at Selby Abbey,a building dating from 1069,at the risk of boring you I'll put a photo up of that too,for all our friends who don't get the chance to come and see some of our older buildings.Pete x


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Great pics. Thanks for sharing these Pete. I also noticed that Howard's windows still look clean! lol
Great photos, i know what you mean about being put off by private signs etc. I wrote about my reluctance to wander about some of the more private locations earlier this year. I've always got my dogs with me so can always blame them for leading me astray.
Thanks for the lovely photos. It's nice to see the mail slot is still on the bottom of Clegg's door as it was in most of the episodes. It just seems like that's where it belongs.
Wow ! Yes, what me2 and Brenda said. Lovely, just lovely. tysvm
Thank you "The 28 steps" !!! What a nice view from Howard's house, I didn't remember that from the show. Very Nice!!
Thanks for the comments,and its Pete Wesleyrocks,btw Wesley is my second favourite character after Howard,
Just to let you know,I go out hiking/rambling quite a lot,often to remote off the path places,and would love to combine that with my love of LOTSW,if any of you want so see anywhere as it is today,just let me know,and I will combine it with a walk,doesn't matter how remote it is,or obscure,anything you've seen in an episode that you may like to see today,
Have literally just finished watching "Keep Britain tidy" where they meet Crusher for the first time,and Oggie is walking about carrying a spare tyre,they actually all get invited into Nora's house,can't remember many occasions when that has happened,so funny !
Pete x
Thanks for the comments,and its Pete Wesleyrocks,btw Wesley is my second favourite character after Howard,

Awesome Pete, I'm a mechanic and like rock music (just like Wesley), so I figured WesleyRocks would be a good name.
Feel free to post pictures anytime please. Not sure I'll ever make it over there to see it in person, maybe once the kids are out of the house :) I love the countryside. I grew up in Western Pennsylvania and it was rolling hill country. Some of the scenery reminds me of home.
Take care, Darin
Cheers Darin,I love the fact that so many on here are from the States,I'v never been but would love to,love everything American,I can imagine you on a custom chopper listening to rock music riding it on a long dusty highway,bit different to Barnsley and round ere.
Cheers Darin,I love the fact that so many on here are from the States,I'v never been but would love to,love everything American,I can imagine you on a custom chopper listening to rock music riding it on a long dusty highway,bit different to Barnsley and round ere.

That's funny, because I love everything British. I like how you can drive places in less time. US is so big, it seems to take forever to drive anywhere. 17 hours from Tallahassee Fl to my hometown in PA. You waste 2 days of your vacation driving getting there and 2 more to get home.
Maybe the old saying, the grass is greener is true????

Not really on the biker stuff, I used to be a biker and all and do all you said above. I have ridden thousands of miles all over the south eastern US.(if I can find a picture of one of my old bikes I'll put it on here) I have a few pics on my profile page but that is my brother-in-law's bike that I refinished. Long story there.
As I have gotten older I haven't had the desire to ride much. I'm kind of rediscovering my life and the chip on my shoulder I once had is no longer there. When I was a biker I wasn't a very nice biker ( mainly to the people that would try hitting me with their cars ). I no longer want that persona. However the tattoos and mean look just come with me now. O'well
It's funny when people see me in person for the first time and go, oh...... I guess I'm nicer looking on the phone :)
Take care,
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It all sounds fascinating Darin,thanks for reply,only paying a quick visit to site cos just off to work in an hour for a 12hr night shift,all the best,Pete.
It all sounds fascinating Darin,thanks for reply,only paying a quick visit to site cos just off to work in an hour for a 12hr night shift,all the best,Pete.

Enjoyed your chat with Darin. It has been a while since I have seen him on here. Miss ya, Wesley Rocks!! anyway. Pete. Where do you work and what do you do? Is the 12 hours voluntary or manditory? Makes it for a long day. I know nurses work 12 hour shifts over here. Never understood why such an important job, taking care of a sick person and they are working long hours like that. Seems they would want them to be sharp on their toes and thinking clearly. I know by hour 11 I am chomping at the bit to clock out!!!!

Enjoy the pictures a lot. keep them coming.
Hi Brendalovescompo,thanks for the post,
I can't even begin to comprehend driving those distances,my daughter lives in Liverpool and I consider that a big drive and it only takes two hours !!
Really interesting to read what Darin posted wasn't it,its great to hear a little about the posters behind the names,
The 12hrs is mandatory,and are often a lot longer than that,I'm a Paramedic and technically cover anywhere in Yorkshire,though based in the South,I did 22 years on a dual man ambulance,and then for the last 6 have been on a car,what we call an RRV,Rapid Response Vehicle,I attend emergencies on my own in that,even in Holmfirth !!
If the weathers ok I may go for a little walk along the tracks and moors next week,perhaps the riverside walk where they filmed Follow that bottle,if theres anywhere in particular you would like to see as it is today,let me know and I will have a walk and take a photo,I can't think of a better way of spending an afternoon than combining my loves of walking and Summerwine x
Darin thanks for that post,that was fascinating and sounds exactly as I imagined,sorry I couldn't leave a longer reply but these shifts of 12-14 hrs and travelling mean its all bed and work,have just got up,and am already planning going back,have four more to do,
please keep posting,and would love to see any photos,
Take care,Pete x
Enjoyed your chat with Darin. It has been a while since I have seen him on here. Miss ya, Wesley Rocks!! anyway.

Thanks Brenda, this is our busy time (college football games, home of FSU) at work, and I haven't had much time to post. Hopefully by Thanksgiving it will all slow down again. I've been trying to make time, love seeing Pete's pictures, very nice of him to take time to post them with his busy schedule.
Pete, hats off to you for your service to others. I may be rough and tough looking, but when it comes to sick/injured/dying folks, I'm no good with that stuff.
Very good that man!!!
ROLL TIDE, My son is a freshman at the University of Alabama!!![/QUOTE]

I'm not an FSU fan, I don't really get in to college football, really not too much into pro either. I like the Steelers because I grew up there, But if they lose, it doesn't ruin my day.
Now the evil side of me will show....... I do like when FSU loses, it makes it nice and quiet in our town and at my work, sorry. :15:
I have no idea what roll tide or FSU means,I'm guessing its American football,over here its mainly football,I used to have a season ticket for Sheffield United,but only go to the odd game now due to not having many weekends off,I find it really interesting to listen to all the things the posters from the USA have to say about life over there,would love to go one day.
Have been chilling this week watching a couple of episodes a day,love the gentleness of it,the locations,the familiarity of the friendly characters,the music,just glad they made so many episodes so we can keep watching them and not get bored,been watching mainly the new ones since they introduced Hobbo and have really enjoyed them,but didn't like how in the last series they superimposed Cleggy and Truly onto the Holmfirth backdrop,they should have kept them in Cleggys house,also caught up with a couple of early ones like Keep Britain tidy and Catching Digbys donkey,I just love Nora and Wally,wasn't Joe Gladwin brilliant,my three favourite characters Howard,Wesley and Wally all have in common the fact that they are well and truly under their wives thumbs and know there place,watching some of the later episodes,it struck me just how many have Howard in the title,just yesterday and today I'v watched Howard and the great outdoors,Will Howard cross the Atlantic single handed,and The rights of man except for Howard,
I can't remember many characters names in the title let alone to that extent,
Hope to get out there next week,lots of walks planned for around the area,but starting to get cold and dark early,will post photos when I do get out,
Pete x
Hi Brendalovescompo,thanks for the post,
I can't even begin to comprehend driving those distances,my daughter lives in Liverpool and I consider that a big drive and it only takes two hours !!
Really interesting to read what Darin posted wasn't it,its great to hear a little about the posters behind the names,
The 12hrs is mandatory,and are often a lot longer than that,I'm a Paramedic and technically cover anywhere in Yorkshire,though based in the South,I did 22 years on a dual man ambulance,and then for the last 6 have been on a car,what we call an RRV,Rapid Response Vehicle,I attend emergencies on my own in that,even in Holmfirth !!
If the weathers ok I may go for a little walk along the tracks and moors next week,perhaps the riverside walk where they filmed Follow that bottle,if theres anywhere in particular you would like to see as it is today,let me know and I will have a walk and take a photo,I can't think of a better way of spending an afternoon than combining my loves of walking and Summerwine x
Darin thanks for that post,that was fascinating and sounds exactly as I imagined,sorry I couldn't leave a longer reply but these shifts of 12-14 hrs and travelling mean its all bed and work,have just got up,and am already planning going back,have four more to do,
please keep posting,and would love to see any photos,
Take care,Pete x

Follow that Bottle,some of the scenes were filmed on the river in Marsden, others river scenes were in the park at Holmfirth
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