You can keep a weather watch


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In the UK by having a look on my weather station updates on the main website page, under HQ weather, though please ignore the annual rainfall,as I discovered a family of spiders had built a home in the collector vessel.

I try and remember to set the software running most days, this updates the webpage every 15 minutes, it normally goes off with my PC around 10.30pm, but it gives you an idea of what our day has been like in Lincolnshire, it has been rather warm today

I see you are on the GMT line at sea level and also on the eqautor if I have read the co-ordinates propeerly!

And there are warnings of gibbons in the moon!!
Very nice. Thank you for sharing.

On a less than serious note... I've heard Glenda say Barry keeps a piece of seaweed to forecast the weather. :D

As long as he does not hang it up next to her leathers - might cause them to get mildew...
As long as he does not hang it up next to her leathers - might cause them to get mildew...

Is that a whip cracking from Frankie Lane's Mule Train I hear ??? .................... indeed not, its Pearl and she is gunning for you Barmpot , you had the warning shot about that lady/ garment alongside Dick , now you're gonna get your comeuppance me thinks :46: :39::39:

I see you are on the GMT line at sea level and also on the eqautor if I have read the co-ordinates propeerly!

And there are warnings of gibbons in the moon!!

Thanks for spotting the missing detail Rod,should be pretty accurate now, the Gibbons replaced the London Bus
Thanks for spotting the missing detail Rod,should be pretty accurate now, the Gibbons replaced the London Bus

Ah you are better located now, always check my barometer and find that is a good clue as what is going on weatherwise. Local forecasts not always that good.

Local BBC station can cheerfully announce "no rain today" as my wipers are operating - due to rain! When queried I was told well it will be different in the Pennines but --- effectively we can not cover all possibilities! And their chief weather guru comes from Keighley!

Also the words and hour by hour symbols do not match the little map you can scroll through.
I agree with the total inaccuracy of weather forecasters, those at the met office must feel really guilty when they get their pay cheque at the end of the month, I check online and look at the weather radar and can see a large dollop of rain cloud a few miles from home and heading our way, the forecast states no rain, 20 mins later when it is raining, the forecast is now saying it's going to rain, yet they have multi million pound computers, I say scrap the lot and just look out of the window every so often
There are two general things to remember when watching the weather report. First, weather forecasters must make the weather sound as terrible as possible. The second thing to remember is that when you watch the weather forecast, look outside and see what is happening. Check your thermometer against the temperature stated by the forecaster, if they are stating its raining at the moment, and you don't see any rain at the moment, identify the location of the station. You might always be a few degrees warmer than the temperature that is stated on the TV and the rain might be a half an hour away because the wind is blowing the clouds. You may find that there is a trend, so you can interpolate.
On a previous discussion about weather I posted an extract of a rather patronising response I received from the Met Office after I enquired about the technical capability of their forecasting having been drenched on a day they forecast no rain , see below

Thank you for your recent feedback in connection with the accuracy of our forecasts for your locality in Newcastle in the North East. It is never our intention to mislead and we are very sorry if you have seen a forecast which you found unhelpful. Thank goodness your destination was well heated and so sorry that you arrived there so wet, it must have been very uncomfortable. [patronising or what] :mad:

Perhaps it will help to know that the Met Office graphics' output is derived directly from our models and there is no manual intervention to edit that data. The output is automated and a blend of many different models. Given the symbols are updated within every hour, the process also employs an element of "nowcasting" which automatically utilises the most recent available observations from across the UK and around the world. This has been a huge success since it was introduced in 2010 but we do recommend that the site-specific symbols should be read in conjunction with the regional texts which our forecasters write.

Our computer model produces an excellent representation of the weather symbols, temperatures etc. but sometimes, through the process of averaging over a three hour time period, or averaging over an area, some of the small scale detail can be obscured. However, the forecasters can (and do) update the regional texts if the complexion of the weather significantly changes. These texts are routinely updated at 04:00 and 16:00 every day. When the symbols and the regional texts are taken together, and with an appreciation for the localised nature of weather, we believe you will gain the best possible forecast.

I thanked them for their response but posted back the very photographs of our Bovine friends I used earlier in the thread and said I would continue to use more reliable sources . What really makes me angry is the investment that the Government have made in the service, in 2014/15 it was a staggering £119 Million and has risen greatly since then , I imagine .
I remember many moons ago when I was learning to fly, one of the subjects taught was of course meteorology. We actually had someone from the Bureau of Meteorology (here in West Oz) giving us lectures.
At the end of the course we presented him with a new Dartboard...obviously the old one they were using for forecasting was broken!

As an even more frightening aside, we were told at the end of the course that we now probably knew more than most meteorologists! If so, all I can say is HELLLLLLLLP!!!!!!!!!:12::13::eek: o:. We are lucky if they get day and night in the right order!!
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