Hello from North Scotland


Dedicated Member
Just joined, as a confirmed Summer Wine fan - age 66 and female. I never used to pay much attention to the programme back in the day, but maybe it is something to do with getting older as I really appreciate it now and am on my second viewing of the boxed set. I have also visited Holmfirth (a lovely town) and explored the surrounding area quite a lot, but there are still many places I haven't seen, so would love to go back sometime.
Favourite characters - well, there is nobody I actively dislike, but my favourites would have to be Compo, Clegg, Foggy, Nora, Wally, Howard and Marina, and Edie. (Biggest Summer Wine mystery - does anybody know how she actually obtained her driving licence?!) Purely a poetic licence I think!
I've another question, where is the bridge that is featured in several episodes, notably the "Thumpy Dub" one?
I picked my username in tribute to the black cat one can see in the Google Street View dated May 2011 of The White Horse area in Jackson Bridge.
Thank you for the wealth of interesting information and comments to be found in this site!
A very warm welcome to the forum!
I've been a massive fan of Last of The Summer Wine since I was 15. It's such a funny programme. I go to Holmfirth every year. I will never get fed-up of going there!
Just joined, as a confirmed Summer Wine fan - age 66 and female. I never used to pay much attention to the programme back in the day, but maybe it is something to do with getting older as I really appreciate it now and am on my second viewing of the boxed set. I have also visited Holmfirth (a lovely town) and explored the surrounding area quite a lot, but there are still many places I haven't seen, so would love to go back sometime.
Favourite characters - well, there is nobody I actively dislike, but my favourites would have to be Compo, Clegg, Foggy, Nora, Wally, Howard and Marina, and Edie. (Biggest Summer Wine mystery - does anybody know how she actually obtained her driving licence?!) Purely a poetic licence I think!
I've another question, where is the bridge that is featured in several episodes, notably the "Thumpy Dub" one?
I picked my username in tribute to the black cat one can see in the Google Street View dated May 2011 of The White Horse area in Jackson Bridge.
Thank you for the wealth of interesting information and comments to be found in this site!

If you visit my maps section it is #19 https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewe...l=53.557570251297186,-1.7302788295735354&z=15

Welcome aboard
A warm welcome JBcat nice to have you as a new member . I hope you enjoy your time on here and I look forward to your posts . If you have time have a look at the members photos there are some great shots of locations as they are today contrasted with shots from the show and I can certainly recommend Terry's[Maltrab] map it is a labour of love and is superb . It shows the sheer number of places they used to film the show and how diverse they really are . There are a number of threads which highlight some strange continuity errors where our beloved stars appear by magic miles away from where they are pictured in a previous shot . :)
Thank you all - Louise, Pearl, Maltrab and Captain Clutterbuck! I did have a look at the map, Maltrab and it is a fantastic piece of work - thanks for the information on the Thumpy Dub Bridge! I look forward to checking the map out for lots more info and dipping into a lot of the other threads also. I should have had lots of photos from my Holmfirth trip - as well as the town itself, I visited Huddersfield, Marsden, the Standedge visitor centre and Eastergate bridge, Jackson Bridge, Hepworth and the Holmfirth Vinery - which involved passing through Hinchliffe Mill right past the Pegden Residence - and of course, went on the Summerwine Tour - but camera was playing up so they did not come out great (an excuse for a return visit there, perhaps?)
Greetings and Welcome to the forum, JBCat!

Nice to have another barmpot amongst us, the more the merrier :). Clever way to pick a user name as well.

You made a good point I had not thought of before - how Edie actually did get her drivers license. I remember an episode in them teaching her how to drive. Wasn't it Barry, Seymour, Wally and Wesley trying to help her? Vaguely recall some brave soul briefly smiling and thinking it was going to be an easy ride along.

Greetings and Welcome to the forum, JBCat!

Nice to have another barmpot amongst us, the more the merrier :). Clever way to pick a user name as well.

You made a good point I had not thought of before - how Edie actually did get her drivers license. I remember an episode in them teaching her how to drive. Wasn't it Barry, Seymour, Wally and Wesley trying to help her? Vaguely recall some brave soul briefly smiling and thinking it was going to be an easy ride along.


Edie taking her driving test would of made a good episode in it's own right
Thank you Rick for the welcome and nice comments! I also vaguely remember the episode you mention. And Maltrab, I agree, Edie taking her driving test would have made for really funny viewing. As it was, we just saw her getting lessons and then in the next series (?) she was taking the ladies on hair-raising drives.
I've been looking at the map, it is really brilliant - great to see Seymour's house (it is actually where I imagined it would be, through working back on Google street view from the Foxhouse which I recognized in one episode as being the place you see just up the hill from Seymour's turn-off, on the main road). Great to see Glenda and Barry's house too. I could spend hours just looking at that map, and probably will :)
We went for a meal one night at foxhouse, we were staying in Holmfirth, it was a great meal and being winter time they had a roaring open fire,when we came out several hours later it had been snowing heavily, took us over an hour to get back to our holiday rental only a few miles down the road
We went for a meal one night at foxhouse, we were staying in Holmfirth, it was a great meal and being winter time they had a roaring open fire,when we came out several hours later it had been snowing heavily, took us over an hour to get back to our holiday rental only a few miles down the road

Sounds a lovely experience until it was time to go home!
On the subject of pubs featured in LOTSW, what is the latest news about "The Monkey"? I was reading messages about how it was going to be demolished, and then suffered fire damage - very sad fate for what was such an iconic place.
Not sure about the Monkey. They are planning a fix up of the Bay Horse used in 3 Men & Mangle in Hade Edge, not far from Barry & Glenda's.
what is the latest news about "The Monkey"?

I looked back through the posts and spotted that the Barnsley Chronicle reported its potential demise some time ago but then the trail went quiet . So I grabbed the Bull by the Horns so to speak and sent an Email a couple of weeks ago to the Newspaper and I received a mail from one of their reporters asking me to make contact . I have sent my contact details and I am waiting for a further response , I will keep you posted if things develop, I wonder if the Reporter smells some sort of story :eek2: .