A near thing


Dedicated Member
Last Tuesday I was knocked down by a car travelling on wrong side of the road. I went up on the bonnet and down onto the road.
How I did not get killed or any broken bones I will never know. I was just badly bruised.
Someone thought I was not ready to go up there just yet. Perhaps I have a LOTSW episode some where and give another chance to find it. :eek2::eek2:
Hope you are ok HJ !:39: Mind you I live facing a busy junction and am surprised a lot more near things don't happen.o_O
Wow, glad to hear you made it through with as little damage as you did. Now you can check off getting run over by car from your Bucket List and not experience that again! Seriously, glad you are OK. A higher power must have been looking out for ya.
Um...been there, done that Happyjack! It hurts!!!!!!
At least I had the satisfaction of locking the driver up and hobbling back to the police station with him!
Oh no HJ !! I hope you are as fine as you can be after such an ordeal , what an awful thing to happen , take care Man hope the culprit was caught and done for it
It wasn`t a hit and run Captain, he actually took me to Hospital and waited while everything was done including my x-rays. (guilt I expect)
Well that's quite refreshing you see so many hit and runs on the news these days . I imagine he was in shock himself so to take you to Hospital would have been a difficult undertaking . I hope you fully recover expediently HJ .
Oh no, hope get well soon, it's amazing what the human body can take. I'm glad he got you to hospital and stayed. I hope he wasn't drink driving? Did he say Why he was on the wrong side of the road?
I hope you have a supply of arnica gel in the house to rub into your bruises. It works wonders, even on very large, deep ones. I also hope the residual soreness passes off quickly, as well as the inevitable shock.
Oh no, hope get well soon, it's amazing what the human body can take. I'm glad he got you to hospital and stayed. I hope he wasn't drink driving? Did he say Why he was on the wrong side of the road?
He said a car coming towards him flashed him (with his headlights) to let him into the road I was crossing. But instead of going round properly he cut the corner therefore hitting before I reached the other side.
I hope you have a supply of arnica gel in the house to rub into your bruises. It works wonders, even on very large, deep ones. I also hope the residual soreness passes off quickly, as well as the inevitable shock.
I have never heard of Arnica Marianna. I don`t whether it`s available here. Does anyone else?
I have never heard of Arnica Marianna. I don`t whether it`s available here. Does anyone else?

I've found that the gel is absorbed much better than the cream, but I've also found that it can be quite drying because it contains alcohol. I usually have to switch to the cream after the first tube of gel is used up.

I used to stock up on it in Great Britain because it used not to be available here in the States, at least not in my area.
because it contains alcohol

As Marianna points out as it has alcohol HJ I have tried it makes a very tasty Pina Colada . Seriously though HJ I have not used it , like you I had not heard of it so I simply looked it up to pass the information onto you . I will now give it a whirl could have done with it a couple of years ago after I had a tumble and bruised my ribs .
For all of the time I've been visiting Great Britain, it has been way ahead of the States in making the old-fashioned, homely remedies available for purchase. One of my early experiences was over 20 years ago with a cold symptom remedy. I walked into the pharmacy in Bourton-on-the-Water, described the symptoms and ask if they had anything that would make them less uncomfortable while my immune system dealt with the virus. I was handed a remedy containing mostly marsh mallow root, a very old remedy for cough and sore throat. Much to my surprise, it worked.

My first encounter with arnica gel was even longer ago, when I arrived at Victoria Station from Gatwick Airport with a severe bruise on the top of each shoulder caused by my backpack straps setting directly over the snap fasteners on my jacket epaulets. I knew that there are shops in the station, one level up from the concourse, so I went up to see if there was anything useful there. One of the shops was Holland & Barrett, and when I described the bruises, I was handed a tube of arnica gel. I went into the ladies and applied it, unsnapped the epaulets to remove most of the hard surface that was the root cause of the problem, and put the pack back on. The bruises no longer hurt, and when I reached my destination several hours later, I found that they had faded considerably from their former angry appearance. The commercial gel is much more convenient than our ancestors' method of extracting the oil from the arnica montana plant.

My latest experience was about a year ago with a very annoying cough. Friends from Wakefield had come to Holmfirth to visit me for the day, and one of them offered a card of the cough pastilles that she always carries. The brand name is Broncho Stop, which sounds like a rodeo event, but it was the only thing I had tried that worked, including some OTC opioid cough syrup from one of the pharmacies in town that made me feel slightly drunk and that I couldn't have carried back through US Customs without being arrested.

The pastilles contain the herb thyme, an expectorant, which has been brewed into a strong infusion and mixed with a great deal of honey as a cough remedy for centuries. The other ingredient is fructose, which takes the takes the place of the honey in coating the irritated throat. They work for both dry and chesty coughs. They aren't available in the States, but an Amazon.com merchant in the UK carries them at about the same price as Boots, and with free shipping. I now keep a supply on hand.
I walked into the pharmacy in Bourton-on-the-Water

The pearl of the Cotswold villages Marianna , its such a lovely place but sadly everyone else seems to know that and especially during Summer the place is heaving . I don't know if you went to the model village when you were there but we visited and we managed to kid one of the more gullible members of the party that if they looked carefully that we could be seen in the model of the model village .

After initially dismissing our claims belief began to creep in and so to prove our claim we suggested the person jump up whilst checking the model of the model village to see themselves jumping up and they fell for it . There were a considerable number of visitors who witnessed this and were most amused by this person seemingly jumping up and down but being British of course they maintained the discreet stance of not asking why .