Auntie's Scrapyard

I enjoyed the transition between cycle then motorcycle, to help her arrival times!! :biggrin: :46:
Excuse my fuzzy memory had a day at the races yesterday but not a night at the opera more a tour of the Hostelries , there is a scene in the scrapyard when Eli turns up struggling to remember the tag line but I am sure someone will step up and reply , thank you in advance.:38: [sunglasses morning even with the rain]
Not sure exactly what you are asking in respect of the tag line Captain but here go's.
This is the episode where Wesley has built the amphibious car. It opens with Compo telling Eli that if he holds "this pole" up under Norah's window it will forecast rain. The pole has a message on the end for Norah who promptly empties water onto poor Eli. She thinks its Compo underneath!
This prompts Eli to go looking for his own pole ,so we find him in Auntie's Scrapyard. This is when she comes up to him on the motorbike. " I'm looking for a pole " he says . She tells him she could put him in touch with some Ukranians or maybe some Pakistani fellers and promptly hares off on her motorbike." Wait for me! "cries Eli and tries to chase after her on a porters trolley that he thinks is his bike.
We next see Eli in a red van with a long pole strapped on the top. This is the red van that Cleggy finishes up driving after Eli crashes it into a haystack.:38:
This is the big question; which episodes were the scrapyard seen?

I think it may have been more than one episode.

The second big question; how many businesses and properties did Auntie Wainwright actually have?

She had Uncle Henry's and I think she may have owned a street or something - not sure, but I'm sure someone here will know.

(What happened to Darren, he knows all this kind of stuff.)
The scrapyard with "the pole" was THE THING IN WESLEY'S SHED , Gill .
Another scrapyard was seen in ONCE IN A MOONLIT JUNKYARD.
She once got angry at Compo cos' he said to her "You own half of Poynton street,"! " Three quarters !" was her sharp retort!! :20:

I am trying to think of the episode but it's escaping me at the mo'. :confused:
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Thank you, it was the ' " I'm looking for a pole " he says . She tells him she could put him in touch with some Ukranians or maybe some Pakistani fellers and promptly hares off on her motorbike." Wait for me! "cries Eli and tries to chase after her on a porters trolley that he thinks is his bike ' which is the tag line for that bit of the episode in the Scrapyard and that's what I couldn't recall.