Breathy actors


Dedicated Member
My wife watches a lot of TV dramas and I've noticed that some actors have a breathy style of talking as though they're slightly out of breath. Can't work out if this is deliberate or just poor acting. Mrs WM is currently watching The Tower that she recorded and an actor on it who is lauded in reviews is the worst culprit in this show.
And some of these modern day actors spend a lot of time rolling their eyes when the camera is on them
My wife watches a lot of TV dramas and I've noticed that some actors have a breathy style of talking as though they're slightly out of breath. Can't work out if this is deliberate or just poor acting. Mrs WM is currently watching The Tower that she recorded and an actor on it who is lauded in reviews is the worst culprit in this show.

Perhaps they think it makes their performance more intense and gritty.
Mrs WM is currently watching The Tower

I watched that trying to think who the breathy actor is don't remember it being Gemma Whelan but in Upstart Crow she was never allowed to be an actor so surely can't have been her ? I was clearly concentrating on the plot and not noticed.
I watched that trying to think who the breathy actor is don't remember it being Gemma Whelan but in Upstart Crow she was never allowed to be an actor so surely can't have been her ? I was clearly concentrating on the plot and not noticed.

Yes, I checked and it was Gemma Whelan. TBH I tend to find most TV dramas boring (ironic since they're not supposed to be!) but on the occasions I looked up from my tablet while Mrs WM was watching this it was mainly Whelan doing the breathy acting. I also noticed that Emmett Scanlan was in it and he's one of those actors who always seems to play himself playing a character - if you see what I mean.
I was a big fan of Frasier and there is an episode The Show must go Off where Sir Derek Jacobi stars as Jackson Hedley an old Shakespearian actor who Frasier and Niles worship and try to bring him back to the stage only to find his performance is somewhat flawed by his continuous gasping and breathing during the delivery of his lines .
