Carry On at 65

Not sure if they still do it as I don't have TV, but maybe 10 odd years ago over Christmas, New Year and Easter holidays, ITV3 used to flog them to death, the were almost unwatchable due to adverts every 10-15 minutes, and if you missed an advert you could pop onto ITV3+ 1 hour and watch it again.
I bought the Ultimate DVD box set with 30 films some time ago for about £20 and can watch them anytime advert free, y favourite is probably Carry on Cabby follow by Constable
Yep they’re still on regular as clockwork every bank holiday on ITV3, I think itv own the rights to all the films.
For me my favourite has to be Camping like most, could watch that film over and over.
Interestingly Kenneth Williams turned down Cabby as he thought the script was weak
Not sure if they still do it as I don't have TV,

Terry they are on ITV3 all the time especially on Bank Holidays when they run all day but always one on at the weekend. Barry, I listened to the interviews with Jackie Piper , Jim Dale and Sid James thank you so much for pointing them out . There is a one hour documentary in the Archive hour called Carry on Britain which I have yet to listen to which I am looking forward to . It appears yesterday was a special on 4 extra and they had lots of related shows on .
Interestingly Kenneth Williams turned down Cabby as he thought the script was weak

In the interviews with Jackie Piper and Jim Dale he apparently turned down a few of the films because the scripts in his opinion were weak. The interviews are broken down to 10 to 15 minutes each episode well worth a listen but only for a short time 28 days .
I like most, Convenience is great but agree the last ones were shocking [Emmanuelle , England and of course Columbus] . The start of the decline for me was Behind which was a poor imitation of what had gone before.
Like so many shows.... flog it for every penny you can..... when you should leave it alone.
In fairness Peter Rogers was renowned for his penny pinching, for him his primary aim was making money from the films. He said it was always more important for the Carry On's to be a commerical success than a critical success. Another interesting fact is the major were paid around £5,000 for all the films they appeared in even though they spanned 20 years!
I love most of the Carry Ons, but for me the ultimate is Carry On Girls. It is very funny and has a delightful British seaside atmosphere. Similarly, At Your Convenience has some evocative scenes of Brighton and stands out as a well-written and darn amusing movie to boot. I had the pleasure of an hour in the company of Kenneth Connor once. I was walking past his house and he was standing outside doing nothing in particular. We'd spoken before, so he invited me in for a convivial chat and a glass of sherry (which was tricky for me as I don't drink alcohol). Some forty years ago... how has that happened?