Close Encounters of the Third Kind.


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Watch the first 15 minutes and tell me the contention to Summer Wine.
Been a very long time since I have seen that movie. I remember Richard Dreyfuss, Teri Garr, flashing lights, a lumpy pile of mashed potatoes... Don't recall the intro well enough to make a connection to Summer Wine or how you mean it as a contention. :tw:
It's been ages since I've seen that. All I can imagine is a connection to the episode "Welcome to Earth". Otherwise, the giant recreation of Devil's Mountain in the back yard sounds like a tactical exercise worthy of Foggy.
It's been ages since I've seen that. All I can imagine is a connection to the episode "Welcome to Earth". Otherwise, the giant recreation of Devil's Mountain in the back yard sounds like a tactical exercise worthy of Foggy.
I didn't even think about that. It's a line used by one of the characters that's a running joke in Summer Wine.
I didn't even think about that. It's a line used by one of the characters that's a running joke in Summer Wine.

Well don't rely on me for the answer. I had (yet another) senior moment yesterday, forgot what this thread was about, and proceeded to watch the first half of E.T before I remembered I was supposed to be watching "Close Encounters...' Lol Doh! :fp:
Well don't rely on me for the answer. I had (yet another) senior moment yesterday, forgot what this thread was about, and proceeded to watch the first half of E.T before I remembered I was supposed to be watching "Close Encounters...' Lol Doh! :fp:
:rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: :rolling: well you got the alien part right so take that as a win.
Well don't rely on me for the answer. I had (yet another) senior moment yesterday, forgot what this thread was about, and proceeded to watch the first half of E.T before I remembered I was supposed to be watching "Close Encounters...' Lol Doh! :fp:
Well the bike scene from ET was of course referenced in a later episode to brilliant comedic effect!
Did you mean contention, or did you mean to type connection?

Either way, struggling so far...
The man played by Richard Dreyfuss was trying to describe what he saw and said it looked like an ice cream cone. His wife then says "what flavour?".
Very hard to get this without a copy of the film. Can whatever we are looking for be found in other parts of the film beyond the first 15 minutes?
There is a scene where an empty canoe floats past the trio. When the owner drifts by soon after and asks if they had seen a canoe, Compo says "What color?"
There is a scene where an empty canoe floats past the trio. When the owner drifts by soon after and asks if they had seen a canoe, Compo says "What color?"
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant.
Hang about, hang about.

There's an episode, I'm fairly sure, where Compo says he's going to paint Nora Batty - and Clegg or Blamire says 'What colour?'.

That could be it.
Yep, I forgot about the Norah painting via Compo, haha.

I can't think of the name of the canoe episode.

Found it - Ballad for Wind Instruments and Canoe. The guys name was Armpepper.
edit edit
Thanks wstol you got it faster than I could type a correction. :)
The Canoe episode is 'Ballad for Wind Instruments and Canoe', with Arnpepper.
Does someone say 'what flavour?' in LOTSW?

Yes, In Will The Nearest Alien Please Come In, Kevin says "my legs are like jelly" and Entwistle says "What flavour?"

In The Man Who Nearly Knew Pavarotti, Compo says "Tha'd be amazed what tha can do with gravy granules" and Clegg says "What flavour?"
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