Crew Members seen in Episodes #8 with a Twist


Staff member
In this picture we see the ladies heading to Aunties shop,now I happen to know that doubles were used for one or more ladies,how about guessing which ladies are not the real actress

Seeing that between John and Dick the answer has been revealed I will end this one,it was Roz,Ivy and Pearl, Roz was a young lady and did a great job in this short scene
On this subject of stand-ins can you enlighten us further. I always take note where it has to be a stuntman not say Compo. Mostly because the physicality of the scene would prevent Bill Owen from doing it. For instance, in the masculine purse episode when Compo is imitating Seymour behind him. Well, he goes a tumble and you know they are not going to let Bill Owen do that. They do such a great job. Just a rare few times do I say, "That's not the actor there." Like Full Steam Behind, when they climb aboard, that can't be Brian W.
In addition, when they are up in the hills and we only have that very long shot of them, it seems as if it is really the actors not stamd-ins. What say you all?