Dumb characters

C W Northrop

Dedicated Member
The sad death of Roger Lloyd-Pack recently made me ponder whether LOSW had any outright simpleton characters. Most people would say Compo but IMO he was ill-educated but not completely stupid. Now Ormeroyd from Catching Digby's Donkey....
I think you could probably make a case for Milburn.

Perhaps Eli because of his short-sightedness (long or a mixture of both, he was a Mr Magoo type character). His inability to see what was going on around him made him appear a bit dumb, at least for the comedy effect.

Morton Beemish as well.
What about Armpepper (Arnpepper?)?? He of the "Howdo lads, anybody seen a canoe ??"" ;) :p
It is definitely Eli for me, however, I love his scenes! I just saw is walking scene in Who's Got Rhythm yesterday.
I think for me its Smiler, he wasn't the sharpest pencil in the box neither was Marina at times.