

Eli Thingy

as i posted in the ban texting thread i am leaving the site after it seems im being targeted on here by a few people just cause i use txt speak and im fed up of it so i wont b posting anymore and as soon as all the series polls have been done i will b deleting my account from here, its a shame cause people like amos and george are really friendly 2wards me and i will miss seeing clayes comics (there really fun) and there are a lot on here who are welcoming to people like sue, susan, minxie and big unc, its a shame im leaving the summer wine forum community but i dont need the pressure of being targeted, so i want 2 say thanks 2 a lot of people who have made this place fun and i will miss you once im gone from here, but this is my final post so i want 2 say farewell 2 u all.


Unfortunatly it's a recurring thing in this site that there are a lot of "grumpy sods" who don't understand that you can't have life the way that just they want it. Your posts are always understandable (altho I say it as someone who uses txt speak themselves a lot), and if people have problems they should just either take the time to understand it or skip past and ignore (there are a couple of posters on here who I just ignore). I'd urge you to ignore people who are being nasty, they're just bullies (and they are...anyone trying to make people conform to how they believe everyone should act is a bully in my book)

It's sad that you feel you have to leave..if you want my advice, don't delete your account. Take a break if you're finding the place stressful (I've taken a few breaks from here myself) but leave your account active so you can return at some point.
Re: Ban Texting
« Reply #6 on: Today at 02:25:23 PM »


I would like to say that my topic was NOT targeted at anyone on this site but a general observation that was prompted by a text from my grandaughter. I'm sorry if anyone thinks I was targeting them or singling them out I would never do that, I am not and never have been a bully and find that allegation very upsetting.

I take every topic on this forum has a general discussion.

Unfortunatly it's a recurring thing in this site that there are a lot of "grumpy sods" who don't understand that you can't have life the way that just they want it. Your posts are always understandable (altho I say it as someone who uses txt speak themselves a lot), and if people have problems they should just either take the time to understand it or skip past and ignore (there are a couple of posters on here who I just ignore). I'd urge you to ignore people who are being nasty, they're just bullies (and they are...anyone trying to make people conform to how they believe everyone should act is a bully in my book)

It's sad that you feel you have to leave..if you want my advice, don't delete your account. Take a break if you're finding the place stressful (I've taken a few breaks from here myself) but leave your account active so you can return at some point.
as i posted in the ban texting thread i am leaving the site after it seems im being targeted on here by a few people just cause i use txt speak and im fed up of it so i wont b posting anymore and as soon as all the series polls have been done i will b deleting my account from here, its a shame cause people like amos and george are really friendly 2wards me and i will miss seeing clayes comics (there really fun) and there are a lot on here who are welcoming to people like sue, susan, minxie and big unc, its a shame im leaving the summer wine forum community but i dont need the pressure of being targeted, so i want 2 say thanks 2 a lot of people who have made this place fun and i will miss you once im gone from here, but this is my final post so i want 2 say farewell 2 u all.



Hey Eli I agree with Jakob take a bit of time out mate it would be a shame to see you go and besides who else am i going to play the guess the line game with!!.Have a week or so out and have a think but do keep you account active.Hope u stay :)
Speaking as someone who gets txt spk from his grandkids ,its a shame if you feel you have to leave Eli. I would not blame you for taking a break( time out)and see how you feel later. I' ve taken umbrage at some people when they seem to have a go at some of my posts but like the man once said "you cant please all of the people all of the time". Have a think mate and decide if you want to carry on. :)
As a 37 year old high school teacher, I am not a fan of text speak. However, I urge Eli to stay! I take the time to try to figure your statements out because it is good quality conversation. Otherwise, people here do have the option of ignoring others' posts.

Hey Eli I agree with Jakob take a bit of time out mate it would be a shame to see you go and besides who else am i going to play the guess the line game with!!.Have a week or so out and have a think but do keep you account active.Hope u stay :)

Amos, that certainly isn't me! I m horrible at those line quizzes! So Eli, take a breather and come back to us.


Stay with us, Eli, I don't always get what you say first time but so what? I try again!
Stick with us.
As a 38 year old fan of the show, I have seen that this show brings everyone together as fans.. Not just "adults", so I question the line about this site being just for adults. Secondly, considering the THEME of the show I have to question even further on the whole "adult" aspect. I understand what some are saying, but really if how someone is talking or what someone is doing is that bothersome and it's not specifically being aimed... Use the ignore function. I also don't use the "text" speak, but I don't let it bother me that much.

Eli, I appreciate your enjoyment of my comics and would really like for you to stay on this message board. You are an active part of this board as much as the few of us others here. It would really be sad to see you go.
Eli, I also was a bit surprised by your statement of leaving. You shouldn't leave beacuse I and others don't agree with text. It is a weird language. You know even when I get a text on my mobile I get confused. There is no reason for it unless the person you are sending it to is comfortable with it. You yourself said it is a language. I for one have to agree with that. But try and understand. There are people in this forum who are Scots, Welsh and etc and me Maltese. Would you like it if we talked in our language? We have to be fair to all and talk in a normal English so that we can all understand. We are not here to ignore messages just because we don't understand them. Also we shouldn't delete them. What else can I say to make you understand...?????????????????????????????????
But were you actually TEXTING us when you wrote messages on here ? - If so, then I guess that fair enough. But if you were deliberately writing in TXT SPK on an ordinary keyboard, then I'm afraid I have little sympathy.
I think Eli did it on purpose to aggravate every body. I am sure he has more intelligence than he makes out.
well i said i was leaving and reading the comments yesterday i wasnt sure but the comments this morning which seem a form of cyber-bullying 2 me from and7barton and happyjack have made my decision clear, i will b leaving this site now cause i dont need tht in my life, its a shame cause there have been sum wonderful people on this forum i will miss but a few have spoilt it, just a few final things tho, btw susan i kno it wasnt ur comment tht was aimed at me u was speaking generally, and compo i understand if ur foreign it might b hard 2 understand espec if ur 1st language isnt english but i find txt speak easier 4 me cause of my age i find it simple. jacob, amos, dick and rhi thanks 4 ur supportive msgs yesterday but 2day has really got 2 me and upset me, ive got problems i dont talk about on the forum and things like whats happened the last couple of days has made them worse
Dont be silly and leave our community over something so silly,we all are fans of the show and from time to time there are issues that sideline us from the reason we are online talking about one of the best comedy shows in the world .I was going to say something more direct but dont want to add to the hysteria ,look forward to more posts from you in the future.
I think we should all calm down a bit. I find text speak a bit annoying too, especially as I´m also one of the foreigners, but I don´t find it that bad that it should be banned (on the other hand, if all of our members did it, I would probably be the one who is leaving, because I would be spending half a day deciphering what´s going on here, lol ;D!).
So I think asking for banning it is a bit over the top, but on the other hand I find it just as much over the top to leave a forum just because of that. Eli, I think you are taking this too personally. I can see your point, but I find it a bit intolerant of you too to just demand that everybody who actually wants to read your posts must struggle through them. I´m not even talking about myself, because I can read them, with a little effort. But the effort is distracting from the content, so when I have made it through the post, I sometimes have to do it again because I was concentrating so much on the "translation" that I couldn´t pay enough attention to take in what you were actually saying. And just ignoring your posts is not on, this is a forum, what´s the point if half of the people have to ignore them because they find them to hard to read?

So it is really no use, everybody, to be miffed about each other´s reactions, this won´t help at all. Again, I think we should all calm down and think again.
It is absurd that Eli should want to leave over such a minor matter.

A few years ago, on a different forum, my messages were a bit sloppy.

I went through a stage where I didn't bother using capital letters or paragraphs. I thought it was easier. But it wasn't really.

Then I noticed the care other people took in their messages. They were so clear and straightforward that I felt compelled to make the effort.

My typing has improved, I can now use both hands. I find typing easy now.

Eli, you must type how you want to. But I have noticed most of your messages are quite literate. The long words which you don't shorten are spelt ok. You can clearly write proper English.

But you choose not to. :-\
There were disagreements in the old forum. Back then I was quite anti-Hobbo and upset someone with one of my rants. Some people got into arguments, but ultimately, it is just an on-line forum. A lot of times people write more harshly than they do talk, so many times written messages can be easily upsetting (this happens at my workplace often).

A few months back I made one of my inquisitive comments about a Yorkshire issue (being a Yank, I am ignorant about things at times). Someone here had a bit of a harsh response and I was taken back by it (it was actually another Yank). I wrote a cordial response and that was that. Since then I learn a good bit from this person, enjoy our conversations, and enjoy their random posts.

Now Eli, you are one of the foremost experts of Summer Wine here. There are like 20-30 regulars here. Don't leave because of 2 or 3 people. Now if it was half the forum then that would be a different story.
Stay, Eli. Read what **** says. She's made a lot of sense there. I hope you change your mind and decide not to leave.
I think we should all calm down a bit. I find text speak a bit annoying too, especially as I´m also one of the foreigners, but I don´t find it that bad that it should be banned (on the other hand, if all of our members did it, I would probably be the one who is leaving, because I would be spending half a day deciphering what´s going on here, lol ;D!).
So I think asking for banning it is a bit over the top, but on the other hand I find it just as much over the top to leave a forum just because of that. Eli, I think you are taking this too personally. I can see your point, but I find it a bit intolerant of you too to just demand that everybody who actually wants to read your posts must struggle through them. I´m not even talking about myself, because I can read them, with a little effort. But the effort is distracting from the content, so when I have made it through the post, I sometimes have to do it again because I was concentrating so much on the "translation" that I couldn´t pay enough attention to take in what you were actually saying. And just ignoring your posts is not on, this is a forum, what´s the point if half of the people have to ignore them because they find them to hard to read?

So it is really no use, everybody, to be miffed about each other´s reactions, this won´t help at all. Again, I think we should all calm down and think again.

Hear hear.