Favourite scenes


Dedicated Member
Now we´ve got a discussion about our favourite episodes, but what about particular scenes we love?
Today I watched Dancing Feet and I just love the scene when the trio and Wesley sit in Edie´s car (my father has almost an identical one, a red Triumph, lol) and let themselves tow by a tractor which pulls them to a meadow and then starts spreading the dung... I just love that scene, the music and everything, and Cleggy´s quick attempt to close the car´s top. :D
My favorite is the scene in "The Odd Dog Men" when Foggy starts a tirade, getting full of himself and has delusions of grandeur..

"Walter C. Dewhurst.... O.B.E... W. C. Dewhurst, O.B.E... Of course, I'll still be known as "Foggy" around the household."

*falsetto voice*

"Has Foggy come back with the corgis?"

*normal voice and nodding*


*falsetto voice*

"Good man.. They've never been so healthy and in such shape!"

*normal voice*

"Early morning mist and Foggy's out with the corgis... Morning Mark!"

*big grin, talking through his teeth*

"Ohhh yes! (can't understand the rest)"

*normal voice*

"Yes, VERY spritely!"

Then he goes on about Compo's trousers and buying him out to start a ferret farm. That whole scene is just outstanding, everything from Foggy's ramblings to Clegg and Compo's reaction to it. Anyone want to go into who "Mark" was? Anyways, that episode appeared on my PBS station the week Brian Wilde passed away. I must say even if it wasn't an intentional one (the episode was on normal schedule run), it was a very good tribute to him just for that scene.
I always thought the Mark referred to in Foggy's soliquoy was captain Mark Phillips - at the tme of original airing married to the Princess Royal
I always thought the Mark referred to in Foggy's soliquoy was captain Mark Phillips - at the tme of original airing married to the Princess Royal

I believe that is the right answer. I saw that name when I watched the scene with subtitles. Still a great scene and one of my favorite Foggy moment!
foggy- a few bruises

Compo- A FEW! I bet if I was naked I would look like a black pudding in wellies

Foggy- oh what a terrible thought


Cleggy- I was thinking of getting a sausage roll but I think I rather not bother now
Watched the episode "I didn't know Barry Could Play"

*Howard is knocking at Clegg's door*

Howard: Are you there, Cleggy??

Clegg: No, Howard. I'm in town, in the Library. If you want to see me, go to the Library.

Howard: Alright...

*Howard walks away a few steps before realizing*

LOL!!!! ;D
One of my faves is "Catching Digby's Donkey".

Foggy: Spare us the sight of that bit at the back of your throat going Clacketty, Clacketty.

Compo: "Hey Norm, is there a bit t the back of my throat that goes Clacketty, Clacketty?".

Clegg: "I can't see it at this end".

Compo: "Well you aren't looking from the other end".

Clegg: "Amen to that".


G ; )
Just watched a fave scene this morning in Short Back and Palaise Glide when Ivy says 'You can't even hold me properly' To which Sid replies 'Put your neck in here'.
Just watched a fave scene this morning in Short Back and Palaise Glide when Ivy says 'You can't even hold me properly' To which Sid replies 'Put your neck in here'.

...I remember that!...
The Frozen Turkey man: They are borrowing the kid's scooter and he says "I'm supposed to meet me mate" and then Foggy tells him, "you'll be amply rewarded". The boy promply replys, "how much?" and then Foggy directs him to a frowning Cleggy. The next thing you see is Compo rolling down the hill wearing the boys scarf & helmet that has the word FLASH on it.
The Empire That Foggy Nearly Built:

When the trio are in the multi-story car park:-

Foggy: "Look at that, not a vacant space"

Compo (who is just behind Foggy, taps the side of his head while looking at Foggy) "Oh, I wouldn't say that" :D

Also the scene in "When You Take A Good Bite, Yorkshire Tastes Really Terrible:

Clegg: "She's going to be a Beckinschnider"

Wally: "Black and Decker!"

Clegg: "It's German"

Nora: "Oh, I could never have married a German"

Wally: "You didn't even try" ;D
One of my favourites is on "Getting on Sidney's Wire"

Sid is at work behind the door when the trio crash in, "Come in why don't you" Sid said "Just throw the door of its hinges if it's in the way"
The Very Last Scene of The Lair of the Cat Creature
with Billy and Waldo --- priceless!!! Just watched it.

Howcum they did away with Waldo???
Clegg: "She's going to be a Beckinschnider"

Wally: "Black and Decker!"

Clegg: "It's German"

Nora: "Oh, I could never have married a German"

Wally: "You didn't even try" ;D

Best scene from the Seymour years! I still roar with laughter at that line.
Liked the trio's synchronised cycle round the pub carparl in 'When You Take A Good Bite',failing that Compo going round go-kart track in the tractor wheel or Seymour 'helping' Jack Harry park his caravan
There are so many, I just can't name one. However, one the really comes to mind is in "I didn't know Barry Could Play". This is when Barry is in the back of Wesley's truck on the piano and gets all the white powder all over his face. He is stuck in the back of the truck and the townsfolk even taunt him.

I have to admit, I am a sucker for a lot of Summer Wine's slapstick, physical comedy (even though the dialogue is great too). Some of you have mentioned Eli's scenes. They are among my favorite, especially when he is advertising for Auntie Wainwright and wanders onto the explosives sight. And then there are so many scenes involving people flying uncontrollably down the hills, such as Smiler (in a scooter?), the giant target, and Compo and the whistle with the ice cream cart.

There are so many I struggle to be specific.
I love the whole cafe scene with the metal detector. The comedic timing of the dialog is superb. I can hardly catch my breath before I'm cracking up again!