Football Fans

Ferret...I feel your pain mate.
Macclesfield holds a dear place in my heart.
I used to get a train from Liverpool and go and meet Muttley and the gang in Hectic House Records in Sunderland Street !!!.
I love the Macc Lads [I still do...I am going to see them in November !!].
I have had many a great night in The Bears Head...and Images !!!.
I have a mate who lives on the Moss and he is still absolutely devastated at what we have cannot support someone else.
As you much many great players and wonderful characters at the is heartbreaking.
I just hope and pray that the town really gets behind the new club and you re establish yourselves where you truly belong.
Ha, ha. I’ve seen the lads a few times mainly back in the ‘80’s. My school mate Tony did some bouncing for them and another Baz did backing vocals on the first album. Still see Mutley wandering around Macc’ every now and then.
Loved the Bears Head, cracking jukebox. I nearly got thrown out for putting the Cowboy Song by PIL on repeat :).
I keep pestering them to play a hometown gig but no luck as of yet!
Don’t forget my local team Macclesfield (Town, as was). Run by someone who had no interest in the club.
thats the one that loses me... buy a football club like a toy... BLoke in Australia years ago did same - bought the Sydney Swans for his gold digger as a BIRTHDAY gift from memory.. Just what every girl with multi millionare hubby needs... a footy team.
There's a blast from the past I used to listen to the Macc Lads a bit as a kid, can't believe they're still going! I heard that one of the members died a few years back as he was addicted to painkillers if memory serves me right? Have they toned down their lyrics as I'm amazed that any venues would allow them in the ultra-woke cancel culture we currently live in?
There's a blast from the past I used to listen to the Macc Lads a bit as a kid, can't believe they're still going! I heard that one of the members died a few years back as he was addicted to painkillers if memory serves me right? Have they toned down their lyrics as I'm amazed that any venues would allow them in the ultra-woke cancel culture we currently live in?
Still the same, Peter Bossley who was a journalist died a while back, he was Al O Peesha!
They’re still banned from the USA but the recent gigs have been sold out.
I once saw them play a field in a village near us when they got banned from playing venues. It was hilarious.
….. Last of The Summer Wine and the Macc Lads… two polar opposites, although I think it was Compo who mentioned Macclesfield once :).
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