Found is it Yours

I have the rubber band if it's yours

Many moons ago in a fit of boredom to brighten up a normal night out we came up with the idea of forming the elastic band society . We purchased a few bags of multi-coloured rubber bands and "members " adorned their right ear with one of the bands hanging it over the ear .

We did our usual pub crawl and its amazing the numbers of people who ask what its all about and join up !! Pretty much all of the bands were snapped up [no pun intended]. The reaction of people coming into the pubs with all these people drinking with the band on their ear was really funny to observe .

The funniest moment was one guy who had gone outside for a smoke and came back in distraught because he'd lost his band and was desperate to rejoin so we said he could as long as he put a pound in the charity box on the bar.

To me it was a lesson in how basically you can induce people to join in anything because their curiosity gets the better of them and they want to belong. :)
When I was 6 I went into the newsagents and found a huge wod of money on the floor which I handed to the lady behind the counter. Few days later she told my mam the scrape metal man had dropped it, mam was disgusted that he didn't even thank me. She may have been disgusted I didn't hand it to her first lol
Funnily enough I found about 40 or 50 quid on the car park opposite the library in Holmfirth last year. I had a bit of a moral dilemma and felt it pointless to take this to the Police Station (if it was even open!) as it's highly unlikely anyone who lost this sort of money would have gone there - I'd certainly never bother going there if I'd lost it.

In the end I donated to the charities around the 50th Anniversary event so I felt it went to a good cause and if the money came from a drugs deal even better :p
Funnily enough I found about 40 or 50 quid on the car park opposite the library in Holmfirth last year. I had a bit of a moral dilemma and felt it pointless to take this to the Police Station (if it was even open!) as it's highly unlikely anyone who lost this sort of money would have gone there - I'd certainly never bother going there if I'd lost it.

In the end I donated to the charities around the 50th Anniversary event so I felt it went to a good cause and if the money came from a drugs deal even better :p
That's where it went
'lazzie bands' as my late beloved father called them were brilliant playground currency - I exchanged a handful for some Butlins badges which made a lovely sum of £20 in the late 80s which sustained my Beano and Dandy collection for some time alongside milk bottles, fizzy gums and all sorts of sweets looked down upon these days.
I've found three wallets in my day, one had $1700.00 US in it. I turned them all over to the police. Never even got a thank you for one of them, but doing the right thing has it's own reward and that is more valuable than any amount of money..
I also found a wallet with around £300 in it a number of years ago, it had a Bank card in it from the bank where I was working at the time. So i looked up the account and called the owner (something which would get you the sack these days for breach of data protection!)

It turned out to belong to a young lad who was just off to Uni and the cash was what he had earned from his job to get him settled, so it was really precious to him. From memory he brought me a cake he'd baked by way of thanks with was a lovely gesture.