holmfirth this year

Hopefully later this year'Like to go at least once a year.Bit of a trek from the south east corner but always worth it
I too have vowed to cross the pond this year and visit Holmfirth. I have to research when would be the best time of year to go. Knowing when others might be there could be a deciding factor.
We should all keep each other posted on who's going up there when. We'll have to stagger our visits or there'll be nowhere for us all to stay!! Wouldn't that be brilliant!!
I turn 55 this March and I wish I would have taken the trip 5 years ago when I was 50. It would have been magic to visit while they were still filming.

I have been saving my credit card reward miles for over 10 years now and I cant think of a better way to spend them.
Speaking of Holmfirth, you can't look at Nora Batty's house or any other building without noticing the stone that forms the facade of almost each and every building. I have been wondering about the color of this stone. The closest I can come is sort of a grey-green-yellow. I am assuming that it was quarried somewhere nearby. What type of stone is it? Anyone know?
well adanor risking boring the pants off you, studied the geology of the area many years ago at uni...the stone is technically known as "namurian" more commonly known as "millstone grit" and is a major feature of the area for a good 20 or 30 miles around...its a sedimentary rock which was laid down on top of the limestone when the area was a large sea delta...cant remember the era now...you did ask ;)
Thank you Gremlin, I found it interresting. If you do remember the era I'd be fascinated to know. :)
thanks susan...without going on a swotting up mission the main period was "carboniferous" which lasted from about 350 to 200 million years ago..the age of the dinosaurs, if i recall correctly "namurian" is the name for a subdivision of that period and seeing as how it sits on top of the limestone i should take a rough guess that it was deposited in the later carboniferous....golly talk about pulling things up from the past, made me think thanks.... :)
Got some bands to see at the Picturedrome coming up so will probably stay in the campervan at the campsite up the road again.