How accurate were the locations?


Dedicated Member
The filming of the location scenes seemed very accurate to me.

That is; if a character was, for example, at Nora Batty's house, and announced he was going to the cafe, he would be seen walking in the right, actual, direction. And there may then be a scene shot somewhere between Nora's and the cafe. Then the character would be seen at the cafe.

If you see what I mean.

And if they were in the country, and they were going to a country pub, they would actually film at a country pub, and not a town pub.

So my question is; were there any scenes where they got the location/direction they were walking wrong?

In Spring Fever, when Compo is outside the pub, and announces he's going home, I'm wondering if he walks in the right direction to his house?
I always wonder if they could really walk to all those places. Seems to me a
lot of walking.