how you chose your screen names

I chose Crusher because I like this character on the show. He kind of resembled Sid!
MIne is the best vehicle I ever had, Full Size Jeep, 1981 was the year. Still kicking myself for getting rid of it. My photo is because I'm a mechanic for a living and Wesley just fit me perfectly, being dirty and all :)
Because like Clegg I like barmpots and there are so many in the programme.

In real life I am known as Rod and my image hints at some of the other things I might do.
mine comes from the film gremlins that was on tv when i joined, simple as that...good job i wasnt watching flew over the cuckoos nest !!!!
I guess I chose Foggy because I like the character and have served in the British armed forces, although I am probably more or a Compo/Cleggy hybrid ;)
After a couple of my pets :)
My real name is Eleanor and I chose Adanor because when I was knee high to a grasshopper, there was a girl at the babysitter's who could never could say my name correctly.
The first 3 letters of mine are my initials (Darren John Williams) and the other 3 are after Compo, Foggy and Clegg (CFC) after my previous username on here, so thats what makes up DJWCFC
The name i've used as a record producer for the last 15 years or so...mainly Drum ' Bass.

My real name is George ; )
Just curious to know how you all came up with your screen names for this message board.

Oh crud! Do I need a screen name???

Then I could come back as GUEST or have my
email addy HIDDEN as well.

Oh what's a technology-challenged old man to do???


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