Howard in Corrie


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It looks like Howard will appear in Coronation Street starting on Wednesday 5th December
I don't usually watch it but I may tune in to see him in it :)
I don't watch it either Susan, but like you, I may very well have a look at this episode.
I don't watch it either Susan, but like you, I may very well have a look at this episode.

We'll be sitting there wondering what on earth is going on :)
I don't usually watch it but I may tune in to see him in it :)

Last time I watched it we still had Ena Sharples, Minnie Caldwell and Martha Longhurst sipping Milk Stout in the snug!
I still watch Corrie. The standard of acting is on the whole very good. I would rather be watching this than some of the 'reality' shows that are on. To each his own!

:D :D :D

I still watch Corrie. The standard of acting is on the whole very good. I would rather be watching this than some of the 'reality' shows that are on. To each his own!

Would you helpl Rhi and me out on whats going on with the plot please Sue :) ;D
I think that Robert Fyfe is only going to be in the show for a couple of episodes, Susan, but by that time there will have been a couple more weddings and a funeral or three!!!!!. There are at least three main stories going at the moment, physical abuse by a woman on her male partner, surrogacy, and 'ghastly Gail' is about to be conned by her mother's ex. So much rubbish I know, but I am an old lady, it is what we do in the evenings.
Good grief is Gail still in it? Is it the same Gail?

We'll just muddle though Sue :) Hopfully he'll be in the first 5 minutes :)
If its what you enjoy then good for you Sue the evenings are long and cold at this time of year so its good to have something the while away the time :)
More confused than ever!!! I'll have a watch and look out for Mr Fyfe.
ooops I just made a separate post about this, sorry, I should have looked first.
As soon as i saw him i started to laugh i thought the same thing its howard.He was called Malcolm i do not know if he is in any more episodes.
I think he may be in a few more. I read that the Lollipop men may start a war with the taxi drivers !!
I saw him last night. Not much of a big part. Maybe in future episodes. Couldn't see his face much with his hat on.

I saw it on the site I told you all about "Filmon" UK TV live
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