I Know Someone Like That.


Staff member
In this thread I thought it might be good to see if anyone knows or knew a real person that resembles a character.
Whenever I hear Foggy tell a war story it reminds me of a security guard that worked at a factory I worked at, he used to follow me around telling me about incidents that supposedly happened. He'd tell me about how he caught intruders, found people doing unspeakable things to each other ( in graphic detail ) and how he got the better of some Hells Angels!
It was all utter nonsense of course, one day I went to work and found the backup guard there, who was a lovely man, I asked him where whatshisface was and he said he'd been sacked because he kept writing things in the incident book that didn't happen. He claimed he'd left the office to help tackle a fire next door which didn't happen and that masked men had tried to gain access to the building but he fought them off, the security cameras said otherwise. You have to wonder why people think they can get away with it but Foggy and the creepy security guard really believed that others believed them.
In this thread I thought it might be good to see if anyone knows or knew a real person that resembles a character.
Whenever I hear Foggy tell a war story it reminds me of a security guard that worked at a factory I worked at, he used to follow me around telling me about incidents that supposedly happened. He'd tell me about how he caught intruders, found people doing unspeakable things to each other ( in graphic detail ) and how he got the better of some Hells Angels!
It was all utter nonsense of course, one day I went to work and found the backup guard there, who was a lovely man, I asked him where whatshisface was and he said he'd been sacked because he kept writing things in the incident book that didn't happen. He claimed he'd left the office to help tackle a fire next door which didn't happen and that masked men had tried to gain access to the building but he fought them off, the security cameras said otherwise. You have to wonder why people think they can get away with it but Foggy and the creepy security guard really believed that others believed them.

That reminds me of a comedy sketch years ago (can't remember which show) about the incredible bullshitting man. Thankfully there's not too many of those fantasists.
Mt older brother looks a little like compo, even my wife says so, see what you think? Not the best pic, but it the only one I could find.
My father acted like Compo, every time I watch LOTSW I get to remember my dad.


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Worked years ago with a guy , who like Auntie Wainwright , would do anything for a sale. It was a tailoring shop we worked in and staff earned commission . If a Customer came in and they needed a size or two smaller of a particular suit and we hadn't got it or were unlikely get it or god forbid they were going to leave he would send the larger suit to the alterations department and have it altered down to the next size so he could claim the sale and get the commission . He was a dab hand at pushing extras so not only would they get a suit he would make sure they bought the shirt, tie and often shoes .

We used to have a bespoke department where you could purchase a suit or jacket made to measure . Quite often you would get local groups in to have matching stage suits made to measure, often in the most garish cloths . Fairly often, post order after leaving a small deposit, they would row about musical differences , probably, like the Kinks who were notorious for fall outs , they would banjo each other and we'd be left with 4 or more garish suits , this guy always managed to shift them he was just incredible . :)
I think that this is a most interesting topic. I know a man who caught someone the police had been trying to catch for twelve months. After making a citizens arrest he took him to the police station.
The same man also handled his own divorce case in court. The judge in court was known for being a hard character. There were seven divorce cases in court that day. The first six were thrown out because of incompetence by the solicitors handling each case. The man who I'm talking about was the last case and the 'judge', who by now was somewhat disgruntled, told him that as he had elected to do his own divorce, not to expect any help from the court. The man proceeded with his case. There wasn't a sound as he gave details of his marriage. When he had finished the whole courtroom was in silence. The judge sat staring at the man in question not realizing that he had finished. He sat forward and said, "You finished?" The man said yes and the judge said "Decree Nisi granted." The man headed for the door but after only getting halfway, he was halted by the booming voice of the judge, "Mr. N********, THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR DOING IT SO SPLENDIDLY".
On another occasion this man was in court, with the company he worked for, due to him carrying company goods in a private car. They contested the case and were represented by a lawyer. After the police had given their evidence the lawyer turned to the Company Secretary and told him to plead guilty. At this point, the man in question, told the lawyer to sit down and shut up. He then asked to be allowed in the Dock and to give his own evidence. This was granted and the man produced his insurance details and read out one particular sentence emphasizing one particular word. Suddenly, everyone in court, including the three beaks, were checking their car insurance notes. They left the court for a while to make their observations and after a few minutes returned to give their verdict which was, CASE DISMISSED.
Three unlikely stories for one man but believe me, they are true. I know they are true because the man in question is, me. I have met Foggy but I can't vouch for his stories in Burma, I've never been there.
I wrote about this before. The grandmother on my dad's side was very much like Nora in her mannerisms and about 50-75% of the sternness. The grandmother on my mom's side was very much like Roz. It is no wonder, I enjoyed the ladies of the show so much. They were very real!
I did a double take today there is an article on the BBC News channel about James Bond and locations where some assassinations and attempted assassinations took place and there is a picture of Rosa Klebb who kicks Bond in the calf with her poisoned tipped dagger which springs from her shoe in From Russia with Love tell me she doesn't have a look of Kathy Staff .


I looked her up and the actress is Lotte Lenya here's a snap there are differences but its the still in the article that particularly looks like our Nora.

Yep, I worked with a lady always talked about her adult children in Alaska and the doughnut shop shop that she owned. Foggy -- through and through. A co-worker finally gave me the straight skinny. No kids and no shop.
I wrote about this before. The grandmother on my dad's side was very much like Nora in her mannerisms and about 50-75% of the sternness. The grandmother on my mom's side was very much like Roz. It is no wonder, I enjoyed the ladies of the show so much. They were very real!
I finally realized why I felt very comfortable with Nora Batty. Relatives very much like Nora.