Introduce yourdelf


Hello, my name is Sewell and I live in Des Moines, Iowa. I am married to my bride of 47 years, 4 children, 10 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild and another on the way. Did I say I was only 49!

I retired a little over 5 years ago and really started living after that. I started taking of my then new grandson 3 or 4 days a week. It has now increased to 3 grandchildren. (Ages 5, 3 and 2) I have discovered it keeps you very busy and you have to stay young just to keep up with them. Now, my wife has retired and has joined in on the fun.

I actually got the 5 year old to watch LOTSW with me and of course, he likes Compo the best.
Howdy sewellb!!

Scruffy here, from Arkansas. Welcome to the gang...The people on this forum are great, so I know you'll enjoy yourself.
Good to say hi there - we seem to have a very significant fan base in USA. Great that the humour of SW has traveled so well.
Hello, my name is Sewell and I live in Des Moines, Iowa. I am married to my bride of 47 years, 4 children, 10 grandchildren, 1 great grandchild and another on the way. Did I say I was only 49!

I retired a little over 5 years ago and really started living after that. I started taking of my then new grandson 3 or 4 days a week. It has now increased to 3 grandchildren. (Ages 5, 3 and 2) I have discovered it keeps you very busy and you have to stay young just to keep up with them. Now, my wife has retired and has joined in on the fun.

I actually got the 5 year old to watch LOTSW with me and of course, he likes Compo the best.