Name Some Episode #15


Staff member
There must be many episodes to choose for this one. Name some episodes where do not see the Husband,Wife, Partner or relation and also the person in the episode who's partner we don't see, yet they are mentioned

e.g. Billy's wife in "Has anyone see a Peruvian Wart"
Two for one [ same offer as the Pizza itself] in "Of Passion and Pizza " Mervyn and Elsie [who he wants to be a partner/wife] and of course Howard and the other Pizza Parlour assistant [ a prospective alternative to meeting Marina , well in her eyes] who he meets under the bridge and who she sees as an admirer [much to Howard's trepidation and Pearl's annoyance]
I would think that Nellie's husband Travis would be a most likely candidate! Bloke's always on the phone with her, in the garden, feeding glasses and such to the dog, etc....
PC Cooper and Walsh's wives get mentioned in a lot of episodes in the context of what they have put in their bait boxes , when they don the stocking masks in The Afterthoughts of a Co-op Manager they mention getting cuddles off their wives .
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