New Series 31 Poll


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I know there is only six episodes in this final series,but because it is the very end you can vote for 2 episodes from the list,you have 14 days to vote
Happy Camping and Howard and the Great Outdoors, perhaps I shouldn't say it but this wasn't a great series to mark the end of the best comedy ever!
I didn't vote for Weddings in protest because Ivy wasn't in it. I'm giving everyone the peace sign. ;D
With only six in the Series, I decided just to vote for How Not to Cry At Weddings. This was not a sentimental pick, as I believe it really was the best of the series. A few months back people posted that it was quite flawed to be the shows Swansong, however, for a 30 minute program, I thought it was quite appropriate.
Despite the cast changes that took place in Series 30, and despite the disappointing finale to all those years of LOTSW, I have to admit Series 31 is pretty good.
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