Series 24 Favourite Episodes

i had to go for the last two in the series, although I would jhave liked to have picked them all, this for me, was one of the best series in recent memory.

'The second Husband and the showgirls' had me laughing from start to end and 'All of a Florrie' is for me one of Truly's best episodes, given that he was acting opposite his real wife, Jean Mockford. One of my favourite Truly lines in this one "I am the mysterious Mr X behind the global conspiracy, I demand to be incarcerated!" ;D

Incidently, on a slight off-topic, does anyone else remember which other SW episde Jean Mockford appeared in.
I can't vote on this one, because I'm halfway through this series. I'm also possibly thinking about making a mad dash through the rest of the other series I haven't seen yet for when series 31 starts or really ends.
I see one of mine was the celar favourite - interesting all the others were on 2 apiece unless it was zero.
Cleggy´s secret birthday is one of my favourites of all the episodes after Compo´s death, probably it is my favourite. The ending was just hilarious!
Cleggy´s secret birthday is one of my favourites of all the episodes after Compo´s death, probably it is my favourite. The ending was just hilarious!

I agree ****!! It's not my fav post Compo episode, but in my top 5 I would say. Like you said, the ending is hilarious.. ;D

My other vote in this poll went to "The Man Who Invented Yorkshire Funny Stuff".
No way! How did Secret Birthday win this so easily?!
There are at least 4 better episodes than that in this series. The diversity of opinion eh!