
Minus 23, that sounds awful!!! We are at about -2 at the moment, got another load of snow, though not as much as they thought, so we have about 7 inches I guess. The streets are clear and all is well, no more snow in the forecasts, but more frost, so no thawing for another week or so.
::) Have any of you seen the news item on MSN where Solihull police have taken to posting on the social sites that they cannot do anything about the attacks on snowmen or the theft of their carrot noses? ??? :o
::) Have any of you seen the news item on MSN where Solihull police have taken to posting on the social sites that they cannot do anything about the attacks on snowmen or the theft of their carrot noses? ??? :o

why does that not surprise me, i think theres summat in the water round here that makes them like that ;)
There was a notice on the Liecestershire Police Facebook page the other day asking people to stop ring 999 about people throughing snowballs ::)
MINUS 10!!! I'd die. It's minus 3 here and thats enough for me! Made it to work fine yesterday but today looks icier. Is that a word?
Hello, I am back after being inactive for near to a month.

We had a snow day on Friday, but snow seems ineffective now - drive keeps clear.

Last of it I think, Light Snow tomorrow, some on Saturday, and thats it.
It´s around 0°C now, but that´s the warmest we will get, they say we are expecting down to -14 on Saturday night :o :o :o! I think we had -12 two or three years ago, I actually found it painful on my face.
We've received about 4" of snow however the worst of it is the 0 degree
weather with freezing fog for almost 2 weeks now!!! :o :o :o
And , you're right, ****, it does hurt my face!
We were supposed to have no snow at all today and yet it's been snowing fo rthe last 2 hours!
Woke up this morning and my cars covered again :-X

I like snow, I really do but not when I have 2 relatives in hospital and a disabled dad that's going stir crazy because he can't go out. ::)

Stay warm and safe everyone! :)
Woke up this morning and my cars covered again :-X

I like snow, I really do but not when I have 2 relatives in hospital and a disabled dad that's going stir crazy because he can't go out. ::)

Stay warm and safe everyone! :)

This sadly sums up the problem. We really are not geared up to handle snow.
our drive, and roads are clearing well. Just the paths that are a struggle.
It snowed here again, too. It started here early afternoon and didn't stop til about 7. As it had rained earlier in the day I thought it would simply melt as it landed. It did to start, but then it got heavier and now we're covered with it again. The earlier rain froze, so you can imagine how many accidents happened this afternoon. My cousin text me to say she passed 2 on her way home. She lives less than a mile from her office. Stay safe, everyone.
All we get here is buckets and buckets of rain and an abundance of Arthritis.. NO laughing matter.
Despite all the warnings about snow and ice I managed to slip over and break my leg yesterday, so no golf for another 6weeks for me. Feeling sorry for myself at the moment but I will get over it. Be more careful than me everyone.
Despite all the warnings about snow and ice I managed to slip over and break my leg yesterday, so no golf for another 6weeks for me. Feeling sorry for myself at the moment but I will get over it. Be more careful than me everyone.

Sorry to hear that HappyJack hope you're feeling better soon and back on the golf course quickly