Stewart Fell


Staff member
Summer Wine stuntman Stewart Fell's Wikipedia entry describes his involvement in multiple film and TV programmes but no mention of his work with the summer Wine series where he worked as a stuntman and stunt arranger in 27 episodes.
In external links and references at the bottom of the page there are links to some scripted and audio interviews with him
That's much too close to an accurate depiction of a deaf/hard-of-hearing person's comprehension of speech to be funny. I watched it in horror, like not being able to look away from a train wreck.

I have some hope of improvement when I try a better hearing aid technology with a speech-in-noise program, and after some training in understanding speech in noise. At this point, I'm not betting the ranch on it, though.
Oh I am so so sorry Marianna I did not wish to cause anyone offence so I have removed the post . It was seeing the thread about stunt man which made me think of the character I should have stopped and thought about any consequence of posting it all I can say is sorry .
Not a real problem, it just reminded me of all the horrible things that can happen if one fails to self-identify as deaf, or sometimes, even if one does so, and just how invisible deafness is to the hearing world. This happened last September:
And this in February:

Both could probably have happened anywhere, but I've been put off ever transiting through the Austin airport!
Oh I am so so sorry Marianna I did not wish to cause anyone offence so I have removed the post . It was seeing the thread about stunt man which made me think of the character I should have stopped and thought about any consequence of posting it all I can say is sorry .
Can you put the video back up? With replies from those of us in the deaf community, it's a vehicle for helping the Summerwine community become more aware of deaf and hard-of-hearing people. I may well be the only one sufficiently gobby to reply, but if that can raise awareness just a notch, it's worthwhile.
My husband's hearing aids always seem to have a problem. We keep on having to go back to the store to get an adjustment. And then there's the ear wax problem that perhaps works to clog up the hearing aids.
I suppose comedies have always made merriment of certain disabilities, it's the same in our own series. Hopefully nobody with visual impairments find Eli offensive, but maybe they do!
I remember many years ago reading that there was a lot of people critisisng Arkwrights stammer saying it was insensitive to those with speech impediments. However a viewer with a stammer wrote to Ronnie Barker personally and said he was grateful for highlighting the issue and he found it really funny. He also went on to say that it made him feel less like an outcast with friends and he didn't want him to change it.
I'm guessing as long as these issues are dealt with sensitively in a light hearted way they are not necessarily wrong, but who knows when my sight fails me and I start walking into things, I may not find Eli very funny at all :p
Can you put the video back up? With replies from those of us in the deaf community, it's a vehicle for helping the Summerwine community become more aware of deaf and hard-of-hearing people. I may well be the only one sufficiently gobby to reply, but if that can raise awareness just a notch, it's worthwhile.

Given you feel there is some benefit to derive and to raise awareness here it is . The Fast Show team and specifically John Thomson derived this character Chip Cobb an extremely hard of hearing Stuntman . The character did not appear regularly and the appearance numbers were considerably less than other characters they used constantly like Roly Birkin and of course Ralph and Ted which also courted criticism and controversy . I wonder if indeed they received a large number of complaints and dropped the character from the show.

My husband's hearing aids always seem to have a problem. We keep on having to go back to the store to get an adjustment. And then there's the ear wax problem that perhaps works to clog up the hearing aids.
I have to change the domes and the wax filters every couple of weeks, and I brush dust out of the receivers and microphones daily, mostly as a precaution. My audiologist can make most adjustments remotely, using the manufacturer's app. Since her office is 30 miles from my home, that's very useful.
We go to Costco which is close. While he is busy with his hearing aids, I can shop!
The nearest Costco is 95 miles away. OTC hearing aids are available at a couple of the pharmacies in the area and at Walmart, and they can work for some patients with mild to moderate hearing loss. I have profound hearing loss, requiring professionally fitted and tuned prescription hearing aids. I'm now using the Oticon miniRITE R model, and looking at moving up a couple of levels to the Oticon Xceed aids, with the speech-in-noise program activated.

Last month, my audiologist sent me to a cochlear implant surgeon for an evaluation. He said that I'm understanding well in a quiet environment while I'm lip-reading, although my understanding is only about 25% without lip-reading, and that implant patients never understand what's said to them in a noisy one. Left me wondering if he's spent any time in an airport or on a plane. If I'm ever to get on with my life, I need to understand in that environment, as well as in rail and bus stations.

I'll give the Xceeds a fair trial in a noisy environment, and pay an arm and a leg for them, before I'll settle for a severely circumscribed life.