Still nothing..

I have been thinking......our Smiler had no luck with Hermione or Bessy.....and didn't they both beat him at arm wrestling ?........and it seems to me that arm wrestling was a popular pastime between the sexes in our favourite place.......Nora beat Wally's Dad and the two "show girls" who Auntie sorted out for the two newest members of "The Pony Set" Smiler and Tom beat Truly and "the former Mrs Truelove's" new hubby hands down in the pub !!!.
I personally think that Hermione was rather cruel for not giving Smiler a rematch !!!.
Never mind those East German and Russian shot putters and Javelin throwers !!!......those "big fine lasses" from Yorkshire would have won the Gold Medal for Arm Wrestling at every Olympic Games !!!....and forget "God save our King" !!!....let's have "OUR TUNE" blasting from the loud speakers !!!!.