Summer Wine on Stage


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Also spotted this,another show that may be worth the trip

Published Date: 26 May 2009
THE STAGE version of the world's longest running sitcom will be presented at Lancaster Grand Theatre next week.
Last of the Summer Wine follows on from the huge success of Footlights comedy productions including Dad's Army and Allo Allo.

The play features all the favourite characters from the TV series including Foggy, Clegg, Compo and Nora Batty.

Footlights actors will bravely take on the roles made famous by legends such as Bill Owen and Peter Sallis. It's a lot of pressure but the cast are more than up to filling their shoes (or should that be wellies?).

The play is by the original writer Roy Clarke and follows the familiar Yorkshiremen through a typical misadventure involving Compo running around in his long johns, a streaker on the loose and Foggy and Clegg desperately trying to keep all this away from the ladies.

Last of the Summer Wine opens on Tuesday and runs until June 6.

Tickets are £6.50 for the first night, all other nights £8.50/£7.50 conc from the box office on 01524 64695 or online at
I have booked a ticket for Friday - as I happen to being the vicinity of Lancaster on Friday afternoon.

This looks like a version (from description given) of the Moonbather story which was never done as a TV show but was one of the two Summer Wine Chronicles that were written in the early 1990s. However it seems the Seymour storyline has been recast for Foggy.
Quite well done, although there is always going to be the difficulty of playing such well established roles. The Seymour role of the novel has been rewritten for Foggy and there is no suggestion that Clifford Bewmont is a special constable (as in the book).

Some of the supporting actors were less inspiring.

The theatre was about 25% full although I am told that is quite common for the Grand at Lancaster for an amateur production.

Any one else seen it?

It will be interesting to compare it with a professional production so I await the one starting in Eastbourne to arrive somewhere nearer Yorkshire.
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