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I have been an actor for 43 years and, like all of us in this crazy business, have had my share of ups and downs. Never have I had such an 'up' as when I was asked to join 'Last of the Summer Wine' following Bill's death in 1999. Not only was it the greatest of priviledges to be joining the worlds longest running television comedy series but it gave me the greatest challenge of my acting career.

As we all know, the BBC, in its wisdom, have decided not to make a series this year. Their reason being that there is already the series to be shown that we made last year and once they have assessed audience reaction to that, a decision will be made as to whether we make a new series in 2010 or pull the plug on the show.

Why the BBC want to assess the viewing figures of the forthcoming series when they've had 36 years and heaven knows how many series to do so is beyond me. I'm afraid I smell a rat ! But I won't be despondent !

It is quite clear that investment in drama/comedy in both BBC and ITV is on the wain. We have to put up with repeats of shows that weren't very good in the first place (with a few exceptions), American imports or gardening/cooking/housing programmes. Nothing is forever and I hear people say that LOSW has been going on for too long. I'm sure the BBC would love to have a reason to get rid of it. If one is going to use that argument, which might contain some validity, then there must be something of a similar standard to take its place. There isn't.

'Summer Wine' remains simply one of the best television comedy series ever made. The BBC should be proud of that fact. A little more pre show advertising wouldn't go amiss and a regular time slot would also help if the BBC are worried about the viewing figures.

This show has and does give a great deal of pleasure to millions. It can be watched by anyone of any age safe in the knowledge that there will be nothing offensive just a load of Yorkshire barmpots getting into trouble !

Let's keep our fingers crossed that the BBC see sense. Send emails to Mark Thompson.
I've only been in the show for ten years. A total new boy. I want to be there in ten years time !

With love and thanks to all our fans.

Tom Owen xx
Hi Tom,
You are absolutely right in your comments of this afternoon. Although I did not watch LOTSW before we had BBC on our cable, I did watch it I think from 2001 onwards, and I've never missed an episode. Summerwine is one of the best series ever, my all time favourite, and I was so lucky to get in touch with people from Jackson Bridge in 2002, just coincidentally, I didnot know at first where they (a father and son) came from, I learned about that in the summer of 2002, when I met them in person at a friend's house, in Helmond, a town near Eindhoven, you may know Eindhoven, Philips Lighting! Anyway, it was only after I met them that I realised that Holmfirth is the Summerwine place! I think there had been a documentary on LOTSW on BBC that I watched, and that was the beginning of a love for that part of England and it was the reason that in 2003 I paid a visit to Holmfirth with my friend Eileen (she is originally from the Midland area, has lived in The Netherlands ever since her marriage to a Dutch officer who was quartered in England in 1944, they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary last year end of April). Thereafter I paid another visit to Holmfirth in 2004, with my youngest sister Irene, and again in 2005 with my sister Irene and her husband Ger. All 3 times we stayed in an apartment in a little street without a name off Huddersfield Road in Holmfirth, opposite the bookshop that is at the back of Nora's house, also at the back of the wrinkled stockings shop I think. I even made diaries on all 3 occasions, they were published on the area5 website of Patrick Brooke, Terry has met him I think at some point. My Holmfirth friends actually live in Jackson Bridge, where undoubtedly you have been filming as well, certainly your Dad did, I think Graham Haigh showed me the shed or whatever it was exactly that your Dad (Tim? Simmonite) "lived in". And I've met Colin Frost, who drives visitors around in his lovely vintage red little bus, and he even drove me in his car (another one, an oldtimer black car) to the top of Mount Scar I think the name of the hill there is, and I made a picture of him (and he a couple of me) in the car.
Well, this is a long story and I doubt whether you will read it, but I hope you will! I keep my fingers crossed for the series and hope that new series will be made. I've taped some of the series of the latter years, so when I have nothing else to do and would like to get the Holmfirth feel again, then I watch some of them! Maybe, just maybe, I will visit Holmfirth again later this summer, but this time on my own, which I donot like at all but nobody wants to join me, and also depending on a possible eye operation, had one 2 years ago, cataract, and it is possible that the specialist who does the checkup in a few weeks' time will tell me that the other eye has to be operated now. But wait and see!
All the best,
Marianne Smits-Jansen
Roermond, The Netherlands.
It is so good to hear from one of the voices of Last of the Summer Wine. It must have been difficult for you to step into the show when you had just lost your father. Campo was unique.

I'm from the US and I've only been watching LOTSW for the past 2 years but seeing the show is one of the highlights of my day.

I feel so touched to know that although the characters are from so far away in distance and time, and our cultures are a bit different, the humor and human experiences resonate in ourselves. We laugh with you all and count you as virtual friends.

I love the ladies, hidebound and stoic. For them, hard work is a virtue, playfulness is suspect and those men have to be kept in line at all costs. I so wish I could have tea with them. Roy Clarke's wonderful writing allows us to laugh at them and admire them at the same time.

I guess the BBC doesn't respect what it has because the show is so familiar to them. For me, Last of the Summer Wine is a treasure.
Hello Tom and everyone else who reads this forum.
I thought that the Episode shown over the Christmas period showed genuine promise,with Russ Abbots character looking like he could become much loved, I hope they give him the chance to do so, I have wrote to the BBC and I received a reply where I was quite frankly palmed off and they gave me a link which directed me to an old story on the BBC website.

I hope they see sense and let this lovely series continue, I grew up with the show and buy anything summer wine orientated,ie Books and all available Dvd`s etc, I will admit that the show will never be the same without dear old Compo,Foggy, wally,Sid,Eli,Wesley,Edie and now the incomparable Nora etc, but it is still the best show on TV,easy to the eye,funny and for me hearing that theme tune makes me feel happy and brings me back to my childhood, So I just hope they give Mr Clarke etc at least a series more, just to prove that Mr Abbot can help make this great show even greater and not replace it with some reality show or other such tripe,why do things have to change, I can remember when I was 7 or 8, Songs Of Praise then Last Of The Summer Wine then bath then bed,it was my Sunday Night as it was millions of others, let other kids have the chance for a similar routine if they so desire,rather than the crap on offer at present.

PS, Being an actor myself I still harbour hopes of a part on it one day,so they better carry on!!
Given he tremendous fan base across the world - I know of people in NZ as well as USA who are all keen fans - it does seem strange that the economics could work against the show. It exports well and is popular.

I do wonder whether the BBC does not like tried and trusted items, or perhaps it does not shock enough. I like my comedy gentle and with pays on words as well as actions: that there is aplenty.
Hello everybody,

I´m (still) 28 years old and a German fan of the series. It has never been aired here and I only know it since last autumn, but I love it! I am mainly a Peter Sallis fan, that is how I found the series (on youtube). I didn´t know him either before last autumn, but now I am a big fan. Two weeks ago I travelled to England with my boyfriend to meet him and it was fantastic, more than I ever would have expected. In summer I´m going back and hopefully manage to see him again!

LOTSW has to be saved, what do the BBC think they´re doing?! I´ve already emailed to Mr Thompson weeks ago, but I never got a reply. I made an appeal on youtube to email to him, connected with a video I had put together of the show. I don´t know whether this will help, but I can´t just do nothing! It´s a disgrace. On their homepage the BBC boast with having the longest running comedy series of the world, and now they just axe it and keep it a secret what will become of the show.

Tom, it´s fantastic to meet you here! All the actors of LOTSW seem to be such great people, so down to earth! I can´t explain that properly because of my bad English, sorry! You are all doing great work and I hope they will decide to go on!
I just wonder why nearly every channel, whether it is English, American or German or elsewhere, has to axe great shows and show such a rubbish instead! I have completely given up watching TV since last autumn because I am always watching LOTSW on the internet or on my DVDs. I can´t stand all that nonsense shown in the German TV.
Summer Wine is just marvellous, such a gentle, friendly and witty series, I can relax, and as Demeter said before, we count you as virtual friends.

All the best,
Well I have seen just one promo for the new show and that was on BBC1 breakfast news with an interview with the new member Russ Abbot, yet I am informed by a Dutch fan it was mentioned on their Dutch radio station,so why do the BBC treat this super show which has such a huge following a good viewing figures so badly,when it comes to the BBC promoting a reality show they brainwash you with promos for weeks before,maybe Summer wine should have a viewers phone in voting section

Summer Wine must of made the BBC a lot of money (Which was the licence payers money in the first place) with sales of the show to other Countries along with vast DVD sales, UK TV on Sky would have nothing to show if it was not for this and other vintage comedy shows,which again was paid for with our licence fee yet they want you to pay a subscription to watch it

So come on BBC stop treating this show so Badly
Hi all,

I watched the second episode of last series last night, it was OK, but I am sure I watched it earlier, same applies to the first episode. It could have been broadcast on Belgian TV, Canvas/Ketnet, not really long ago, maybe a few months. In the preview for the 3rd episode I saw that the policemen's car, the back, is "exploding", at least you can see the smoke coming out of the boot, and this also was familiar. I don't think I am getting psychic ;), but you never know of course! Can anyone of the readers enlighten me? Maybe someone who also has Belgian TV on their cable and watched LOTSW? I did write an email with the same request to Belgian Canvas/Ketnet, a week ago now, but did not get a reply, wonder if I ever will.

I enjoyed watching, although it goes without saying that the original cast with Compo (also with his son later), Kathy Staff, etc., were great, whereas the last series, well, what shall I say, nicer to watch than lots of other programmes, but certainly not good enough for another 30 years!

Marianne Smits-Jansen
Hi Marianne

Wij kijken erg veel Belgische TV en ik zou dat moeten weten.
Misschien een commercieel station wel te ontvangen in Limburg en niet in Almere?

Translation of above:

We watch a lot Belgian television. LOTSW on Belgian TV I should have known.
Maybe it is on a commercial station you can receive in Limburg and we can not in Almere?
Hi Gerrit,
Wij hebben inderdaad veel commerciele zenders op de kabel, maar ik kijk voornamelijk naar: BBC1 en 2, Ned. 1, 2, 3, Belgische publieke zenders Canvas en Ketnet (1 en 2), soms naar RTL 4 (meestal nieuws), dus als de laatste serie van LOTSW niet op een van de genoemde zenders werd uitgezonden, dan moet ik het me verbeelden. Zijn er misschien veel previews uit de serie uitgezonden op BBC, dan zou ik misschien bepaalde scenes herkend hebben? Anders ben ik echt helderziende ;)

Hi Gerrit,
There are indeed many commercial broadcasters on our cable, but we mainly watch: BBC 1 and 2, Ned. 1, 2, 3 (Dutch and Belgian public broadcasters, and news on RTL 4 and BBC World. So in case the latest LOTSW series were not aired on one of these, then I must be imagining things. Have there maybe been many LOTSW previews on BBC, then it is maybe possible that I recognized certain scenes? If not, than I must really be "clairvoyant" ;)
Hi Marianne

Clairvoyant it is...

I have not seen the last episode yet. Can not remember it yet :)
Having a holiday, due to seeing a bathtub on a bike in the centre of Amsterdam...
Hi Marianne,

ihr habt so ein Glück, dass ihr BBC empfangt! In Deutschland gibt´s kein LOTSW :-[ !

Sorry, I can´t speak Dutch (only a few words I picked up on holiday ;) ; understanding is okay, but speaking...). I mean, you are so lucky you can watch BBC! We don´t receive it in Germany, so LOTSW is completely unknown over here!
Hi ****

In Germany for little cost in stores like Plus,Aldi etc they sell satellite receivers and dishes,you would probably need a 80cm dish,this is what my friend has who lives not far from you, you point the dish to Astra which is 28.2 east,tune in the receiver and you will Have the BBC along with some of our commercial channels


Hi Marianne,

ihr habt so ein Glück, dass ihr BBC empfangt! In Deutschland gibt´s kein LOTSW :-[ !

Sorry, I can´t speak Dutch (only a few words I picked up on holiday ;) ; understanding is okay, but speaking...). I mean, you are so lucky you can watch BBC! We don´t receive it in Germany, so LOTSW is completely unknown over here!
Hi ****,
There is no reason for you to speak Dutch, it is far better and useful to be able to speak English, which you apparently can! England is such a beautiful country, I've visited it (on coach tours mainly) almost yearly since 1992.
Hi Terry,

thank you for the clue, but it´s my father´s house and he would never let me install a thing like that somewhere on the roof ;). But it doesn´t matter as long as they appear on youtube etc., I don´t care whether I watch it on TV or on PC.
Sorry to disagree about discontinuing the show, I think it has gone a series too long. For me it was a big mistake bringing Russ Abbott. His character Hobbo is a poor pastiche of Foggy and Abbott may have been a decent comedian but he is nowhere the comedy actor that Brian Wilde was. It is always a mistake to make characters too similar because you compare the actors. Wilde was a different person to Michael bates, Aldridge and Thorton were different again and so worked. Brian Murphy,as Alvin, whilst playing a similar role to Bill Owen doesn't try to be the same, Burt Kwok who I could see as a replacement for Peter Sallis doesn't try to be the same, Barbara Young with the extremely difficult task of taking Kathy Staff's place also doesn't try to play it in the same way and looked as though she could make a name for herself in the series. . For me the jury was out on the Christopher Beeny and Trevor Bannister characters, they just didn't seem to click whilst almost every other character that has appeared in the series made a positive contribution. Unfortunately Abbott and Hobbo are too close to Wilde and Foggy and in trying to emulate them fail miserably
I will miss all the stalwarts, Howard, Marina, Pearl, the police and all the others who made all the series such a joy to watch it is just a pity they ran out of ideas and tried to imitate a long standing character in such a way.
Well I tend to agree with Barney regarding the mistake of making the Hobbo character have a Foggy feel,this is not Russ Abbott's fault but down to the script,Hobbo should of been someone completely different to all the previous ring leaders, maybe a ex Station master,Scout master or Department store manager.Plus Hobbo is to much in your face in this series

Off course it must be hard for Roy Clarke to keep coming up with new idea's, he can still pen some great one liners,maybe he should cast his net and get idea's from fans of the series of what and who could be introduced to add some of the sparkle it has lost, I expect the trouble is the BBC have cut the budget to the bone for this and other programs and it shows at times, the future of TV as we knew it is rather bleak and with the idea that the TV licence fee could increase if we have internet at home is worrying, the TV companies gives us the gadgets to watch their output via the net and in the future we could be paying even more due to this

I have seen the new episodes now.
I will still watch the show, but that is because I was in love with the old bunch.
It is just like being married with the show for umph years.
We stay together but the fire has gone.
But watching other shows? Which other shows????
I have read Barney's comments: we had much the same sort of hiccough around the mid teens series (during the second Foggy run of series) when the quality dipped a little and some of the story lines were a little too far fetched; and again when Compo died. There were characters that did not work and disappeared - Tom's common law wife and child for one example. Also we seem to have lost Smiler.

Foggy's character had several refinements and changes over the years but Hobbo does seem like some of the earlier Foggy episodes in the second run of series he did when his delusions of his jungle role seemed to be uppermost.

If they do make another series - and that does regrettably seem in some doubt - it is likely that the Hobbo character would become more polished and would change. I think if the series continues then it is an inevitable fact that there will come a time when Peter Sallis will be less and less able to play Clegg (much as Thora Hird had great difficulty in playing Edie towards the end) and thus a plan to get round the loss of the one character that has been there throughout will be needed.

The other major change over the years is the greater number of sub-plots with some of the groups hardly interacting at all - in the earlier series there was a much more limited cast and story lines for an individual were more developed in one episode rather than other a run of several. However I think that the various stories in each episode reflect the way we want our entertainment in small "sound bite" chunks rather than spread over a longer period.
I totaly agree..there is no reason to stop making the best show in the world. I live in the usa and there are many people who love Last of the Summer Wine..I will never understand why the best gets booted. We love you Tom and we loved your dad..we love you all.
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