Unforgetable Phrases

Clegg: "Do you think they'll be any danger?"
Foggy: "Oh no! We'll be in no danger."
Clegg: "I meant for HIM."
Compo: It's only me
Ivy: Only you? That's like saying its only the black death!
Compo: Thank you!!!
Missionary “Have you read your Bible?”
Clegg “Not this morning,I haven't finished me paper yet”
" I tell thee lads if tha's never stood in the warm sun light naked to the waist with Nora Batty pelting thee with dates tha's never lived"

"Pelted you with dates did she? Lucky for you she wasn't making a coconut cake"
Clegg: "What are you using on your windows, Howard?"
Howard: "The best years of my life."