Webcam Interference June 24



Today a plant has shown up on the right hand of the screen. I have nothing against plants but I want to see what is going on.. LOL
We can always depend on you Amos. Take a good clippers. Put a note saying this spot has been taken. LOL
I wonder if the Church realizes that there is a webcam. Maybe we should send an email to the Vatican?? LOL. The plant has to GO!!!!!!!
Maybe we should send an email to the Vatican??

Hmm .. not sure that'll get back to the C of E.

Wrong side of the font.
very funny . . . but, please, where can I see this webcam picture?
Not sure if i've got it perfectly Ellen but try :D
Okay, got it . . thank you! It looks narrow, but is that the streetside where Barry was to toot Wesley? When he was to be watching the ferrets?
Maybe we should send an email to the Vatican??

Hmm .. not sure that'll get back to the C of E.

Wrong side of the font.
very funny . . . but, please, where can I see this webcam picture?
Not sure if i've got it perfectly Ellen but try :D
Okay, got it . . thank you! It looks narrow, but is that the streetside where Barry was to toot Wesley? When he was to be watching the ferrets?
Thats the place ;D The camera is in the deli with the Cafe to the left of your view . If you investigate the rest of the page you can see scenes from filming and other views ,shops at Holmfirth :D We had similar views of the flowers etc this time last year ;D
Enough is enough, the plant is forming buds. We will soon call the forum "last of the Summer Vine" They must know that the plant is interfering with the camera.
It's getting worse. It is growing faster by the day...............
Thanks for emailing the Cafe. But I guess who ever owns the plant has rights. If only he realized what a pain all this is.
Just noticed that the buds have now opened into white flowers. Shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!