What Happens Next #8


Staff member
Does Foggy walk up to the counter and asks Crusher for the teas and he grabs Foggy, then Ivy appears and tells the trio and Ogden Butterclough to remove the tyre from the counter, after some talk about Crusher starting at the café Compo gets lifted up by Crusher and the Ogden checks Crushers muscles and Ivy falls over the tyre that's on the floor and after running out of the café Ogden asks for his tyre back and gets it in the tender part of the body. the episode is definitely "Keeping Britain Tidy"
You got it, Darren! "He's a bouncer."
"No, I'm not a bouncer. I'm a waitress."
I remember that bit elmc, but couldn't remember if this screenshot was before or after that line, at a guess I might say after it, could be the next line in fact.
Does Foggy walk up to the counter and asks Crusher for the teas and he grabs Foggy, then Ivy appears and tells the trio and Ogden Butterclough to remove the tyre from the counter, after some talk about Crusher starting at the café Compo gets lifted up by Crusher and the Ogden checks Crushers muscles and Ivy falls over the tyre that's on the floor and after running out of the café Ogden asks for his tyre back and gets it in the tender part of the body. the episode is definitely "Keeping Britain Tidy"

You got it again Darren,well done, the line was I am not a bouncer,but a waitress