Yorkshire Tea



Just got my first box of Yorkshire Tea and I tried it today and am hooked. Great taste. Now I feel complete and a Yorskhire man. LOL
Did you get it shipped out especially?

I keep mine in my pantry (local Co-op convenience store open 0600 - 2200 seven days a week - 5 minutes away)!!

I think I've seen it in the Acorn catalog and maybe I'll try some. :candle:
Hello Barmpot. I bought the tea locally from the supermarket. We were Tetley tea fans for years and thought I give Yorkshire a try and like it.
Yorkshire Tea is my favorite. However, if I feel like saving money I buy Tesco's value range T-bags, 27p for 80. You would have thought that they would be horrible for that price and most value teas are awful, but I have to say that the quality is excellent, the only name brand that beats them for me is Yorkshire Tea. I think Compo would probably be a value range shopper! But where would the others shop?
I looked up where I could buy Yorkshire tea here in the states, and Kroger showed that they sell Yorkshire tea.
I looked up where I could buy Yorkshire tea here in the states, and Kroger showed that they sell Yorkshire tea.

Give it a go Beth but make sure you use a pot and make sure the water is boiling hot. Let us know what you think ;D
I looked up where I could buy Yorkshire tea here in the states, and Kroger showed that they sell Yorkshire tea.

Give it a go Beth but make sure you use a pot and make sure the water is boiling hot. Let us know what you think ;D
Why a pot? I usually heat my water in the microwave; will that not work? Remember I take things literally... ;)
We first came across Yorkshire tea about 20 years ago,we lived in the south at the time,went to Yorkshire for a holiday and bought Yorkshire tea,we were soon hooked and found at that time it was not available in the usual supermarkets,so we used to head north and buy many boxes to keep us going,just before we moved to Yorkshire the local supermarkets started to sell it,but we never drink anything else at home,and if we are going away we always take a box with us,every so often they have special offer on in the supermarkets,so we stock up then getting enough to keep us going until the next offer,Terry
:santahat: I have worked out that boiling water on the stove is much nicer than heating a cup with a bag in it in the microwave. Because when you stick a bag in a cup, you should only steep the tea for just a few minutes and then what do you do with the bag? Using a teapot is much nicer. :candle:
I've just choked on my fruit cake :eek: :eek:
Microwaved water for tea? :'(
OK from the top:

Boil the water in the kettle
Put 2 tea bags in the pot and take the pot to the kettle, NOT the other way round.
Pour the boiling water into the pot and wait for 4 to 5 minuets depending how strong you like it. ( I like to be able to stand the spoon up in it :D)
Then pour the tea into a china cup and add milk and sugar to your liking.
That is how you make the perfect cuppa :dance: :dance: :dance: :respect: :respect: :respect: :D :D

We all have our own way of doing it and that is mine. ;D ;D
I've just choked on my fruit cake :eek: :eek:
Microwaved water for tea? :'(
OK from the top:

Boil the water in the kettle
Put 2 tea bags in the pot and take the pot to the kettle, NOT the other way round.
Pour the boiling water into the pot and wait for 4 to 5 minuets depending how strong you like it. ( I like to be able to stand the spoon up in it :D)
Then pour the tea into a china cup and add milk and sugar to your liking.
That is how you make the perfect cuppa :dance: :dance: :dance: :respect: :respect: :respect: :D :D

We all have our own way of doing it and that is mine. ;D ;D
What was I thinking?! :me: ;) Sorry about your fruit cake. ha ha
I to drink Yorkshire tea and Lifeboat tea very similar tastes its very refreshing of an afternoon with a slice of my othehalfs lem drizzle cake. :-*
Sorry I grossed everyone out. I have an actual authentic UK teapot (brown with cream stripes) and the reason why I know that it's a UK teapot is that I saw Compo serving tea out of an identical pot. My only problem is that I need to find a new lid as the lid went crashing to the floor many moons ago.
Susan Pearl makes the tea the way I do and the way it should be done. Making a good brew is very important. You might find a lid for your teapot in an open market.. Also before doing your tea, first pour some boiling water in the teapot, give it a good swirl, empty it and then add the bags and hot water.
I always use Yorkshire tea too but wait for it !! because I only like my tea very weak I just dangle the tea bag into the mug and then put it in a small pot to use again. One tea bag lasts me a week I am the despair of all tea drinkers :-[ :-[
Norm, I am very glad that you said that as I thought my mother was the only one who does these things. My wife says that I strangle the teabags, which I do. Got to get my money's worth. LOL
I like the Yorkshire Gold tea too! In the US TJ Maxx often carries it! I am a PG Tips girl too though! If I can wrestle the coffee out of my hand first! ;D
I always use Yorkshire tea too but wait for it !! because I only like my tea very weak I just dangle the tea bag into the mug and then put it in a small pot to use again. One tea bag lasts me a week I am the despair of all tea drinkers :-[ :-[

Norm! I despair! :'(

I like mine so strong you could slice it :cc: :cc:
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