what classic shows are you watching at the moment on DVD?

Watching Dad's Army, Mash, old Midsomer Murders,
Hetty Wainthrop Investigates pretty regularly.

Gonna restart Morse soon. Born and Bred as well.
Tomorrow I am going to start on 'In Loving Memory'....a couple of familiar faces in Thora and Chris Beeny.
No comedy at this moment but War and peace on DVD with Anthony Hopkins.
The book by Leo Tolstoy I read 38 years ago.
The characters in that book are shrunk in that time.
I cannot remember they were so small.
Tonight, I'm going to start on Colin's Sandwich with Mel Smith.
The bit where Vyv sets light ti a vodka bottle and chucks it into Neils room.
Neil"Oh thanks Vyv that petrol bomb has really cleared my sinus"A classic episode all round.
Remember: the very last scene of the last episode that the young ones drove a bus into a ravine.
I was afraid Roy Clarke wanted to do that also with the old ones...