weather 2


Staff member
Well I have the first line washing out of the season fingers crossed. Hope the weather gets better for you all but if doesn't then you can all blame me and my washing :D
Well I have the first line washing out of the season fingers crossed. Hope the weather gets better for you all but if doesn't then you can all blame me and my washing :D

Now, would we do a think like that? Blowing a hooligan up here but at least it is dry and on the sunny side.
Beat you :D I had some out yesterday got them all dry and taken in before we had a shower of rain ;) PS wanna do my ironing??
Ermmmm.... Very tempted by your gracious offer there Dick but I think that would be a large fat NO :D
We had wonderful weather yesterday afternoon, 22 degrees, I couldn´t believe it! Today started fine, but then went cloudy and we got some rain. South Germany got 29 degrees yesterday! I think I have never worn my warmest winter coat and 3 days later no jacket at all!
We had wonderful weather yesterday afternoon, 22 degrees, I couldn´t believe it! Today started fine, but then went cloudy and we got some rain. South Germany got 29 degrees yesterday! I think I have never worn my warmest winter coat and 3 days later no jacket at all!

As Compo once said it is all due to the Parazone layer
We had wonderful weather yesterday afternoon, 22 degrees, I couldn´t believe it! Today started fine, but then went cloudy and we got some rain. South Germany got 29 degrees yesterday! I think I have never worn my warmest winter coat and 3 days later no jacket at all!

As Compo once said it is all due to the Parazone layer

Arr we'll have to keep bleeching the floor then :D
Ah well I have taken the cover off the outdoor seat - that should ensure a down pour at the very least!

Actually I have noticed that a couple of large shrubs in patio containers are looking very dry.
conserving water !!!?? crikey after the amount of rain we have had there must be a massive amount of leakage...astounds me how places like the south of france can have months of hot dry weather and yet their reservoirs never seem to fall far and there is never mention of water usage restrictions... :(
It was on our local news a couple of weeks ago, I thought it was an April fools joke but apparently not!