Giving up your seat to a lady


LOTSW Fanatic
Just read in the paper that a row has erupted because a pregnant minister was left standing in the Commons during a debate. She was at the back so most MPs did not see her, she in turn said that it would have been sexist if she had been offered a seat :o My mother would have thrown a fit if one of her boys had remained sitting in the meanwhile! What is the world coming to if simple courtesy is being rated sexist? ??? I get around with a stick, if I am on the bus and someone offers me their seat can that be construed as Ageist? :o ???
I'm with you Dick, common courtesy is being eroded by PC. I don't expect a man to give up his seat for me but if I was pregnant I think he should.
I have been in that situation and the only person who offered me their seat was an old lady, which I didn't take.
Society is not bringing up children with manners or courtesy now adays, it may sound old fashioned but I think its a turn for the worse.
This is a topic that gets to me as well. It drives me crazy, people no longer hold doors for each other, respect their elders, and they drive like mad folks. Ughhh!!!!
You said it correctly Gremin, alien world for sure.
I always put fuel in my wife's car for her. I don't want her to have to stop at a station, possibly get fuel on her,on her clothes, or get harassed by someone.
Folks look at me like I'm crackers, "she can put fuel in her own car, you are whipped" No. I'm a man, I take care of my wife. I get up early on Saturdays and they like to sleep in, perfect time to go fill the car up with fuel and let them sleep in. She hasn't put fuel in her car in years. Just what I do.

Getting me fired up Dick!!!! >:(

It seems like we are becoming less human and more animalistic. Look at black Thursday, the day after Thanksgiving. People are running over each other here in the states to get a flat screen TV on sale. At least one news story will say, a person was killed today at...... when the doors were opened on black Friday. Stupid!
And, don't get me started with smart phones, when I'm talking with someone and they pull out their smart phone and start looking at while I'm talking to them. I stop talking, mid sentence, and walk away. Obviously they are no longer interested in my conversation and it is just plain rude.
Whew!!!!! Sorry about the venting. I feel much better :D
you vent away fsj, its just the same here in the uk.....I agree with you, and particularly with regard to mobile phones....err does my head in walking around the village or the town or wherever with peoples' phones glued to their heads !!! did these people survive before them ?? will it last ? and then what ?? And as for rude i'm with i'm here, a human being in front of you, please serve me !!! that's two of us venting both sides of the pond !! ::)
Most of my local shops now have notices "you will not be served while you are on the phone". When they ask why ,the shopkeeper says" who will you blame if you buy the wrong thing or I don't give you the right change??" Sensible I call it ;) >:(
My pet hate is also the Mobile Phone.....I hate the thing's..ok i do have one but i'm incharge of it and not it me.....Kids today won't even go to the loo without the thing's....When trying to have a meal at the table with the family the kids will eat with one hand while txt'ing with the's just so bad mannered..grrrrrrr I hate the fact mobiles have taken over peoples lives so much.:-(
but what about when the shop assistant is on the phone ?
The guy I collect my paper from, great mostly and very friendly , is often on the phone to his suppliers but mostly in Urdu or Punjabi. I cannot fault him though for the way he and all his family offered help when my wife died. :)