Hi from Manchester uk

Hi Thomas, welcome to the forum you'll find everyone here is part of a friendly bunch!

I agree Foggy always was the most popular 'third man'

Have you seen every episode Thomas?
Hi Thomas, welcome to the forum.
My favourite character of the main trio is Clegg but I'm a fan of Foggy too.
Have you ever been to Holmfirth (where Last of The Summer Wine was filmed?)
I've been there 7 times now. It's a wonderful place!
Hi I've not been yet in hoping to go in the summer it's not to far from me about 2 hours 40 mins by public transport
Hello Thomas, I am one of the oldies, very oldies. However, my brain still functions [sometimes] and your input tells me that you will be a friendly chatty member. I too am a Foggy fan. Mmm, Foggy fan? That sounds like some contraption that blows smoke.
I see you are a Manchester fella. That makes you a Red Rose man. I am a White Rose man and look forward to the War of the Roses cricket matches. I live in Rotherham, t'other side of Pennines. Do you like cricket? :37:
Good Day everyone. Like your new avatar Barry. I assume of course that that is you. What I would like to see is a photo of Pearl. What about it Pearl? Can we have a glimpse of your natural beauty?
I was going to tell you more about the new neighbours across the road but nothing much to report yet. May have some news later.
In the meantime, Have A Nice Day. :17:
Hi yes I do like cricket I'm a Lancashire fan and I'm also planning on seeing the new 100 tournament when it starts and being a Manchester lad I'm always reminded by the line in one of the episodes I think it was by ivy or Nora where one of them said "No good ever comes from going to Manchester"
Hello again Thomas. No good ever comes from going to Manchester sounds like something Nora would say. One of the members, Roger, is an expert on LOTSW and will no doubt tell us who said it and in which episode. I said it once when I was going to a clinic there and got stuck in traffic. :30:
I think it was Nora who said it, I'll trying to think of the episode. It always makes me laugh because that's where Kathy Staff lived.
Thanks did everyone hear what Jason manford said "I'm disappointed Scarborough isn't renewed I felt it had a last of the summer wine feel to it"
Thanks did everyone hear what Jason manford said "I'm disappointed Scarborough isn't renewed I felt it had a last of the summer wine feel to it"
The show was quite a mixture of feelings. Some parts I liked, some parts I didn't like. I looked forward to that programme with great anticipation but was disappointed. :cry2: